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Two days later, I woke up early, a bit edgy. I dressed in my uniform, did my hair, which I have improved on doing, and added earrings. I felt pretty good, honestly. In the mirror, I gave myself a pep talk: "Today at school will be great. You'll meet new people, put in the effort, and enjoy it."

Yesterday was all about self-care, unwinding from the bar's hustle with a workout, some good food, and TV. Now, I'm set for my first day at school.

I grabbed my bag and almost reached for my laptop but remembered I no longer had it. So, a notebook and pen would do. I shoved my phone into my pocket and headphones around my neck, snagged my shoes, and left the house, locking up and setting the alarm. I hopped on my bike, weaved through the streets, and arrived at school quickly.

When I parked my bike, I noticed people giving me curious looks; a few took out their phones, maybe snapping photos. After quickly checking my hair in a mirror, I walked towards my first class, ready for the day.

I checked the school map on my phone to make sure I didn't lose my way. I managed to get to class 10 minutes early and picked a seat at the front, hoping it wasn't taken. As the classroom began to fill up, some students looked surprised to see me and sat nearby, while others kept their distance. I noticed that most of the people staring were girls. It was cute the way they looked, seeing a new person in class.

"Well, shit, if I lived and breathed." I looked to the door and saw Ohm walking in with Benz and Nova. They rushed to me and took seats next to me, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Missed me?" I say as I take Ohms's hand in our bro shake. "Shit, I was starting to think that it was a mistake following you here," Ohm says, and Nova wrapped me in a hug.

"I'm so glad you decided to finally show your face. she took her phone out and took a selfie."Sianna is going to shit herself." She says and sends the photo to our group chat.

The teacher walked in then, and we all sat down. My first day of school was finally going to start.


I woke up to the sound of a motorbike taking off. I checked the time and looked out the window.

I noticed Chay in his uniform, backpack slung over his shoulder, riding off on his bike. Is he heading to school today? I glanced at the clock - there was still time. I quickly showered and dressed in my uniform, deciding to join him. I tidied up my hair and put on some simple jewelry. If Chay looked sexy, I'd make sure I did, too. We'd make a stunning pair.

I was caught up with Mafia stuff yesterday, so I didn't see Chay. He didn't seem to have an eventful day with some self-care, but that's it.

I took my time getting ready, knowing that our paths at school wouldn't cross until the first break since he's three years below me. I quickly looked at his classes to see when he'd be free, slung my bag and leather jacket over my shoulder, and set off on my bike - a twin to Chay's, only in black.

At first, I thought Chay was the one who liked coordinating our looks, but it turns out I was the one who always ended up giving him coordinating gifts. I just like showing off that we're together. Even though we are not, at least not yet. I rushed to school, weaving through traffic and ignoring the cops, curious if they'd bother chasing me.

When I got to school, I spotted Chay's bike and parked beside it. Getting off my bike, I removed my helmet and instantly became the focus of everyone's smartphones. It's an annoying routine that makes me dread coming here, but I put up with it just to see Chay.

I headed to class and took my seat, resigning myself to at least pay attention to the teacher. Then Boon barged in, noisy as ever.

"Wow, you came. Does this mean you will be coming to school, as you said in that interview?" I ignored him cause I hate to point out the obvious, even though my real motive was to be with Chay.

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