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"Hello, Porsche. How are things? Just a little tip — let's keep our voices to a whisper. Chay's finally asleep, and we want him to stay that way for his health. He needs a good, long rest," I suggest with a flat, commanding tone. "The thing is, Kim, he might be in better shape if you'd been keeping a closer watch. You promised to look after him, and now I hear not only did someone stab him, but he got shot too!" Porsche's voice rises despite the warning, frustration boiling over.

Each statement that Porsche uttered struck a chord of truth, stirring a sharp pang in the depths of my heart. I know that Chay's suffering stems from my missteps, and that knowledge weighs heavily on me. I harbor profound remorse, but I've steadfastly vowed to better myself as the years unfold. Despite the emotional turmoil within, I knew I had to maintain a steady front, refusing to let any semblance of wavering become apparent to Porsche.

"Move aside," Porsche announced, his voice laced with an authority he didn't possess. "Once Dr. Top has tended to Chay, I will take him with me." The words sparked a current of anger within me, igniting more than just my fury. Around me, the tension in my men was almost palpable, mirrored in the faces of Chay's closest comrades, each one barely containing their Wrath.

"That's not going to happen," I state firmly, my tone brooking no argument. "Dr. Top, please attend to Chay. And as for you, Porsche, you're not going anywhere." I then turned to my most trusted, Wrath and Tin. "Ensure Porsche doesn't leave his spot. If he tries anything, incapacitate him as necessary, perhaps a shot to the leg." My commands were clear, and with immediate understanding, Wrath and Tin drew their weapons. The rest of my men, a formidable presence, closed ranks around us, an unspoken signal of unity and strength.

I glanced at Ohm. "You're in charge down here," I told him, confident in his capabilities. "I'll be upstairs with the doctor and Chay, assessing the situation." Having given my orders, I pivoted gracefully and followed Dr. Top, leaving my commands to be carried out by those I trusted most.

Resting my back against the cool, solid wall, I witnessed Top's expertise, which he executed with a focus I've seldom seen elsewhere. In the midst of my own seething emotions, I couldn't help but keep an eye on Chay, who looked visibly unsettled, his brow glistening with sweat and his hands betraying a nervous energy. Top weaved around him with a calculated ease that belied the complexity of his task. Despite feeling like an eternity had passed in that silent room, only half an hour had slipped by when Top finally signaled an end to his work.

He turned toward me, his tone bearing professional concern. "Khun Kim, Chay will require approximately a week of rest. It's not an extensive period, though it may feel like it," he said with a measured pause. "It's clear, and you're accurate, that Chay's body is mounting a defense against this unfamiliar agony as if it were a foreign invader. Vigilance will be key during his recovery." Top's eyes fixed on mine with sincerity. "You're welcome to move him to the main house if that's more suitable; otherwise, I can arrange the necessary medical setup right here, transforming this space into a makeshift infirmary."

Without waiting for my input – almost as if he sensed my agreement – he continued, "I will place the order immediately. Expect me to visit twice daily to monitor his progress." I simply nodded in acknowledgment, trusting in Top's professional input.

"Khun. Kim, I'd like to ask you a favor – could you let Porsche have a moment with his brother? Be here if you must. It's just that Porsche might come off a bit strong at times, yet it's important to understand that it's been Porsche and Porchay side by side for most of their lives. I hope you don't mind my casual way of speaking; my respect for them runs deep. It's true that I haven't gotten to know Porchay personally, but having seen his history, I'm aware of the hardship he's faced. It leaves me feeling somewhat protective of him." Top shares his thoughts, but my worries for Chay are too great for me to express anything. In response, I simply nod in agreement.

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