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I wait in my seat for Kim to tell me what the hell is happening. His gaze locked with mine, unsure whether he would tell me. The way he mulls over my ultimatum to him to "get his shit and leave or tell what the hell is going on" tells me it is something dire. Do I even want to hear it? Perhaps I went overboard this time. What if he actually leaves? That idea terrifies me. I've only just gotten Kim back.

His walking out would prove once and for all that we're not cut out for each other. Maybe a life dodging bullets and breaking countless laws isn't for me. Hia and Kim... they're everything to me. Losing them isn't an option. I want to bear this with him, for them, and myself.

"Kim," I start, reaching for his hand to show I'm sorry for upsetting him. "I didn't mean what I said about you packing your things and leaving. I want you to stay with me. I do," I admit, smoothing my fingers over his hand. He's still looking at me, and it almost seems like he's forgotten to breathe. I move in closer and gently place my hands on his legs softly. I leaned in to kiss him; I hoped it would break the chain of his deep thoughts. After a moment, the kiss does its trick, and he passionately kisses me back.

Breaking away for a moment, I look at him. "Kim, I apologize for my words earlier. I hate being seen as just a kid," I confess, squeezing his hand. "I just want to understand what's happening. Can you explain why I need to be careful, who got loose, and from where?" I ask, my eyes begging for an answer.

"Chay, my love. It's not that I don't want to tell you...I don't know how you will react to what I would say." Kim says. I felt a fear in my stomach. I started to feel sick. I can tell this is something I will not like at all.

"My Chay, I won't let anything happen to you. No matter what." He says, squeezing my hands. Gently to not hurt my injured hand.

"I'll get Chay some tea," Mong says, leaving the room.

"Baby. Look what I am going to tell you. You have to know it could cause you some pain. In your mind." He kisses my forehead, "And in your heart," he says, touching my heart.

I started to get uncomfortable with how things were feeling as he spoke. It has a sense of worry to it like he was scared I might go psychotic or crazy with the word he was so hesitant to say. My nerves kicked in; I tried not to let Kim see how frightening I was begging to feel. I've got to figure out who might be after me and why. I'm innocent; I'm new to this whole Mafia mess. Who would even know to target me?

Mong returned and brought tea for us. He poured a cup for me, one for Kim, and one for himself with his good hand before standing by our side.

"My Love. Do you want to know, or can you wait until I devise a plan?" Kim asked me. I want to know, but I feel terrified.

Mong looked at Chay with serious eyes. 'Think of it like trying on a new role,' he said. 'Mafia life is about making quick decisions and coping with constant challenges, both in your mind and out in the world. It's not easy; it's full of harsh realities you'll have to witness. Right now, you've got a way to step back if needed."

"Your brother has got your back, and Kim's here to support and defend you. Along with Watt, Wrath, and myself, we're your allies. And let's not forget Nova and Benz, who are ready to step out from the shadows to help. You've got friends who can offer a hand, too."

"Ha, it's like you have your own gang," Mong says after a pause.

"The point is, in whatever you choose or don't choose, there will be someone there willing to help defend and pre-pair you for whatever you go through," Mong says.

"You know what's going on, Mong?" I asked; I felt like everyone around me knew what was happening but me.

"I do," Mong says. "But I will let Kim tell you.

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