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After school, I attempted to call Watt, Mong, and even Kinn, but none of them picked up. Confused by their silence, I checked Chay's security footage and noticed Ohm was present, but they remained in Chay's camera-free room, which I had kept private out of respect for him and our time together.

The realization that it's ending hit me hard, leaving me sinking into my chair. The regret weighs heavily – where did I go wrong with the man I love most In this world or any world? Time passed, and there was Chay, dye in his hair, making his way to wash away the color. And then Ohm moved toward Chay's closet. Minutes tick by until Chay emerges, clad only in a towel, heading to his closet.

I changed the view to the closet camera. He's aware it's there, so he's got a curtain from top to bottom in a corner for changing. The camera had to be installed because Chay, not a fan of jewelry, still kept pricey items, along with all the high-end clothing that Khun and Tay convinced him to buy.

I was also thinking of putting in a secret spot for a gun. Chay's been learning how to handle guns safely because Kinn made him. Porsche wasn't keen on the idea at first, but he eventually gave in because Chay didn't have a lot of security.

Watt's been busy with his cooking classes, and since Mong and Chay don't always work at the same time at the bakery, it means Chay might not have anyone to look out for him. Especially on nights like tonight, having a gun for protection just makes sense.

Tay mentored Chay in fighting and shooting. He says Chay shows remarkable skills for quick learning, shining brightest at the shooting range. Chay was outstanding, effortlessly leading his class at graduation and charming the crowds at Wujus with his nightly shows.

I hate to admit it, but Chay resembles me—perhaps even surpasses me. His allure is radiant where mine seems shadowed. Sometimes, I've wondered if we were related, yet no evidence suggests a connection. His talents appear to be a gift. He would be good in the Mafia, but the thought was unthinkable.

I get out of my thoughts and turn on the audio to hear and see them. Ohm is taking him out. That's new; Chay never wanted to be part of that life. Has my angel changed that much? Has darkness reached him even though I wasn't a part of it? Or was it because of me?

My gaze lingered on Chay, captivated. Ohm had chosen a shirt for him that was a bit too revealing. It was impossible not to notice how his muscles, more defined than ever from his training, contoured beneath the fabric. His body had transformed, not to something unrecognizable, but into an undeniably, irresistibly fit shape. Damn, he looked good. I would have been lost in the sheer admiration of his form any other time if not for the need to uncover what Chay isn't attending school.

Once they were both ready, they left in Chay's car. I wasn't comfortable with Chay driving. I asked Tin to prepare my car while I tracked Chay's car on my phone. This way, I was ready to leave when my car arrived, which it did in no time.

He drove a long distance and arrived at a warehouse bar. The idea of slipping a tracker into his car and motorcycle crossed my mind, but that seemed excessive. I could always access the traffic cameras if necessary. Security attempted to block my way when I reached the bar, but Tin handled it. Inside, I quickly found Chay. For now, I'm keeping my distance and observing without interference.


Ohm guided us to a quiet couch corner despite the blasting music and glaring lights making me uneasy.

"Happy you're here. And who's this? He looks familiar," the guy in a brown shirt mumbled, giving me a once-over before his gaze settled on my face. I was pretty sure he'd had a few too many.

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