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Kim couldn't help but smile as they made their way to Chay's kitchen, where I gently settled Chay on my lap. He playfully wiggled, pretending that he didn't want to be there, but when I released him, Chay stayed put.

I knew he wouldn't get up, so I chuckled. Chay's heart yearned for my touch just as I yearned to touch him. Maybe we belonged together after all, and it was getting clearer to me that we did, no matter how odd life was. Chay was mine, and I was Chay's perfectly paired. Our connection was undeniable.

Chay's friends began to trickle in just as he said they would. He made a good call, including them in this life. Loyalty is hard to find, but they make it known that they will stay by Chay no matter what. Without hesitation, they came running when they saw how Chay was. Watt and Wrath were the only ones missing.

Kinn looked around at us gathered and commented dryly, unamused," This is quite the gathering." He earned himself a sharp look from Porsche.

"Khun Kim, Chay, I'm on my way," Wrath's voice came through.

"What about Watt?" Chay asked.

"I'll be there tomorrow morning; just keep me online," Watt responded.

Now that Wrath was here, the kitchen was packed with Chay's friends and our brothers. Still sitting on my lap, Chay leaned his head on my shoulder, nuzzling my neck. I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was.

The air held silence, unsure where to start this unintended gathering on Chay's situation.

"Kim, can I stay this close? Your scent helps me," he says, and I pull him in tighter. He doesn't have to tell me twice to keep him close. I want to be his comfort, and I am glad I am, even after everything we have been through.

"I got you, baby," I say, kissing his forehead.

"Porsche, Chay wants to know what's going on, but after what I told him and how he reacted to it. I can't bring myself to tell him." I say, looking at Chay.

Porsche takes a deep breath and turns to Chay. "Listen, baby brother. I have to tell you something," he started again, taking a deep breath to stabilize his mind. "But it's tough for me to say it," The air became heavy as the conversation started. Chay felt it and prepared himself for this talk.

"That day, when you had that attack, Kim came to us after, and he did come for a type of business, but it was related to the Mafia and your kidnapping, not for whatever else he does. "Kim had Kinn digging into something." Porsche's gaze rests on Chay with another sigh. I can tell this is just as hard for him as it was for me.

"I can guess why you had all your friends on a confidence through video, But I want you to tell me," Porsche asks, his voice steady.

"Of course," Chay responds. "These are my people, are the ones I trust the most. Anything I go through, I know I can count on them," Chay says, smiling around the room to each of his friends. "Since this has to do with me, I want the people I trust the most around. My friends were my only option, for I couldn't even trust you or Kim with all the lying you both have done to me recently. Kim only knows cause he's always around no matter how hard I push him away. I care about Kim even if I try not to..."

Porsche's nod is solemn. "I see. It seems like my baby brother has a new kind of family now. So, if they're your trusted ones, I trust your choice. It's good to know you have solid friends with you at a time like this, especially when things are shifting." Porsche says. "Is it to say that they will be around you as you become more and more active through the Mafia? Are you choosing to be a part of it? I don't want it to be this way, Chay."

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