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As Chay presented his introduction, a genuine smile crept onto my face at the sight of this compassionate soul I cherished. His voice carried a tone of polished expertise, yet a touch of softness lingered, perhaps a bit too gentle for our world. I found myself curious—how might my own subordinates respond to him? Chay's kindness and nurturing demeanor contrasted with my strict and harsh methods, where I often drove my team to their utmost limits, brushing dangerously close to their deaths.

"Why do you look so confident, standing there as though you're the one calling the shots? You're not Khun Kim. I wondered why we're huddled in some neglected alley in Bangkok." As irritation sparked, I lifted my gaze to identify the speaker. One of my crew members, his hand defiantly resting on his waist, exuding arrogance as if he were superior to Chay in every conceivable manner. It seemed a demonstration was due—a reminder of who truly held power here. I was on the verge of rising to address the disrespect, but then Tin and Wrath positioned themselves solidly at Chay's sides.

"Ring, Know your place," Tin remarked to the outspoken man. Chay extended his arm to intervene in the brewing conflict between Ring and Tin. Preventing Tin to speak further: "I'm aware that your trust in me is non-existent, and quite frankly, I don't hold it against you. After all, I'm a stranger claiming authority. I'm open to suggestions – tell me what I can do to earn your trust. And remember, you're free to walk out at any point if that's what you desire. However, brace yourself for Kim's, Tins, and Wrath's authority if you choose that path. I won't be able to shield you from their actions once you step outside our circle. From the whispers I've heard," Chay flashes a knowing smirk, "Kim is known to be exceptionally unforgiving." Hearing this, a reluctant grin tugged at my lips.

"How dare you throw Khun Kim's name around so carelessly? Of all people, Khun Kim would not condemn me just because of some low-level mobster's whims. I'm the one he prefers over the others," Ring declared with a hint of pride. I caught Chay's subtle look, filled with warning, and immediately sensed danger looming over me again. Quickly, I rose to my feet, positioned myself behind Chay, and gently encircled his waist with my arms, hoping it would soothe his anger. "KHUN KIM?" Ring repeated, his voice dripping with disdain as if my actions offended him deeply.

"My love, I'm genuinely clueless about this individual. I promise you, it's the truth. Tin takes charge of giving them instructions; my conversations are solely with Tin," I explain, my voice tinted with the hope that Chay won't harbor any anger toward me. "Tin, could you tell me who this person is? The one who's asserting themselves to be who Kim's preferred?" Chay inquired, his anger and curiosity evident in his tone. 'I am in some deep shit now.' I couldn't help but think, and I kissed Chay on the back of his neck and put my face between Chay's shoulder blades. "It's the truth, my love, believe me," I say, begging.

Chay inclined his head in a subtle gesture of consent as Mong politely interjected, "Chay? If I may?" With that silent agreement, Mong shared who this unknown person was. "That man, his name is Ring," he began, a furrow of concern etching his brow. "For as long as I've been working with Kim, Ring has had an intense obsession with him."

As Mong's words sank in, recognition clicked in my mind. "Oh, is that him?" I queried, earning a quizzical glance from Chay. Instinctively, I tightened my embrace, eager to dispel any doubts. "Please, don't misunderstand. They approached me just once, and since then, it's as though they've been following my shadow every time I am around my men. Not once have I returned their interest. In truth, any time their attempts grew bold enough to breach my personal space, this thing found himself promptly acquainted with the floor." I rushed to explain, though the efficacy of my words in cooling Chay's brewing storm seemed suspicious.

A single look at Chay was enough to gauge the extent of his irritation, as clear as day on his features. His eyes, dark with vexation, betrayed his attempt to prevent anger. "My Love, I swear, I never did anything with them. I couldn't even remember their name." I try again to ease Chay's anger.

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