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It has been a while since I dispatched them to face their consequences—roughly, it must have been twenty minutes now. I was curious about whether they had reached the remote edges of town. A quiet wish for their well-being permeated my thoughts, and I hoped for their safe return. The sensation was odd, almost unsettling, as I reflected on my decisions, especially the command given to Kim. It was a strange facet of responsibility to send people off like that, to dictate such tasks.

Feeling a wave of anxiety wash over me, I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Nove and Benz to join me in my room. In a calm, steady voice, I requested they use a drone to maintain a close but discreet watch over everyone; I was hoping beyond hope that their efforts would grant us a clearer view of the situation. They assured me they'd make their way to me promptly.

Moments later, the door creaked open, and Sianna breezed in, her arms carrying a comforting bowl of buttery popcorn and a glass of my all-time favorite beverage. I couldn't suppress my curiosity. "What's all this?" I inquired, my gaze piercing with earnestness.

Sianna just flashed a knowing smile. "Trust me, you're going to love what I've planned," she responded, a twinkle in her eye that softened my serious demeanor.

After a short while, Big and Watt entered the room alongside Wrath and Tin, each pair carrying parts of what looked to be a home entertainment setup—a hefty television and its accompanying stand. My intrigue was instantly piqued as I glanced around my modestly sized room, puzzled about where such a device would fit and to what purpose it would serve. "My Room isn't big enough for this. What's the plan with it?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow, only to be met with Tin's low chuckle—a sound that offered more questions than answers.

While I stood there, confused, Benz and Nova were already busy working on a laptop, their fingers dancing over the keys in a flurry of silent activity. Before I knew it, the television flickered to life from a previous black screen. I watched as the multiple panels on the screen displayed our guys from a bird's-eye view, sprinting with determined strides to overcome the challenge. I couldn't suppress a chuckle as I spotted a few of my friends and the members of the guard, chests heaving, already winded from the effort. It was a lighthearted moment that unwound the building tension.

"Where is Kim?" The question slipped out naturally, driven by concern and curiosity. Why wouldn't I ask about his whereabouts? One of the screens in the room soon captured my attention, zooming in on Kim, who was, of course, in the front with a reasonable distance in between, always eager to impress. There was that familiar glint in his eye, and as though he sensed my gaze from afar, he stared straight into the camera and shaped the sweet, silent confession with his lips: "I love you, Chay." A warm flush of red-tinged my cheeks; it was impossible not to react to such a moment. And yet, there he was, not even panting, as poised as ever—typical Kim. I shook my head with amusement and affection, my eyes rolling almost on their own accord.

Sianna teased me with a laugh, saying, "Your man loves to show off, doesn't he?" I could only nod, acknowledging the truth of her words. Gripping my side, I grimaced and asked, "What about yours?" The sharp throbbing reminded me of my discomfort. Noticing my distress, Watt hastily remembered, "Oh right, I almost forgot. Here you go, Chay," as he extended a small bottle of medicine toward me. "Wait here, I'll get you something to eat. It's not good to take this on an empty stomach." With that, he disappeared to fetch me something from the kitchen. Benz's voice broke through my haze of pain as he asked, "Chay, how do you keep handling all this pain?" I merely shrugged, unsure of the answer myself.

Nova's words were gentle, like a soothing balm. "Today's been tough on you, and yet, we've still got school to face tomorrow," she observed. I glanced at the clock, feeling its ticking in my aching body, and my eyes wandered to the scrapes and bruises I'd collected. As if on cue, Wreath chimed in, a reminder in his tone, "And don't forget about the prep for the competition. It's just a few weeks away. Can you manage it, given the state you're in? You've taken a beating." he laid out the tasks ahead, his voice steady, marking the rhythm of the challenges I faced.

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