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"When we entered the restaurant, my senses were overwhelmed. The aroma was incredible, and the atmosphere looked very clean and expensive. I felt out of place and thought it wasn't somewhere I should be. So, I quickly grabbed Kim's arms and tugged at his jacket. "Pii Kim. This place seems too fancy for me. Can we go somewhere else?" I asked. He looked at me and replied, " Chay. I know you're not used to this kind of place, but try to relax. If you're still uncomfortable when we sit down, we can always go to that noodle stall by your house." I thought it over, "I don't think I belong in a place like this. Just look at me," I say. Kim looks at me and then slowly looks down and back up again. "I think you look like a pop star," he says, and I can't help but glance down at my body. "Oh, shit. I forgot I had your clothes on," I say with a nervous chuckle. This realization makes me feel a little less uncomfortable.

"Welcome. How may I serve you this afternoon?" A lady with bright red lipstick asked us, "Table for two." Kim replied. The server looked at us judgmentally. "Follow me," she said in a bored tone. "Private as well," Kim added. The lady looked at us again. "Are private booths reserved for our more permanent group of people?" she asked. I hated her attitude. "Pii, this lady is vulgar. Let's just go somewhere else," I said out loud so she could hear me. Kim looked at me, and I saw mischief in his eyes. He looked into the lady's eyes and said, "Who are you to say where I want to sit to enjoy a meal with my company? I demand a private booth or bring in your manager. I bet I can have you fired in a near minute. Then how are you going to afford that cheap knockoff of Chanel Rouge Imaginaire, or were you trying to go for Fe'tiche?" The lady turned red with anger.

"Better yet, Give me a moment." Pii takes out his phone and dials a number. " Get whoever is in charge of Paii restaurant and have them meet me at the hottest desk in the next 2 minutes." Then he hung up. And we waited. "Pii, who was that?" I asked. "Someone I know." He says, "I'm waiting. oh look, nothing had happened." You can get out of our restaurant." Just then, the doors from the outside opened up, and a beautiful man walked in. The lady straightened out her uniform and walked up to the man. "Khun Tay, these two are starting up trouble." She says. "That's a lie.." I got to say before Kim pulled me back. The beautiful man shook off the lady's arm and went straight to Kim. They looked at each other like they were having a conversation. Then he turned to the lady. "Get out!" he says to the rude lady. "What? Why," she says. "Do I have to repeat myself, or should I have the bodyguards drag you and your cheap perfume out." He says in a terrifying tone. The lady huffs and walks out with her arms crossed. "Bye-bye, miss rude lady; you should work on how you talk to people," I say, getting a look from Kim. "What? I can't stand people that wear too much makeup and are rude to someone cause the way they look." I say, and Kim chuckles

"Khun Kim. I will take you to a private booth, or do you want a room?" The handsome man says, and Kim looks at me. "Is there a booth with a nice view? I like sitting by the window." I say. "Right this way." The pretty man says. Kim and I followed him behind him to a closed-off area with high walls and a curtain to cover the entrance. It looked so pretty, and it had a massive window. "The windows are one way so you can look out, but they can't look in." The man says, and Kim nods and removes his mask and hat. I was about to do the same, but Kim stopped me. "Oh, come on, Kim, let me see who this company of yours is." He says, "No." He sighs and pouts. "Whatever, I'll find out eventually; enjoy your meal," He says and walks out.

"Who was he?" I asked, taking off my mask and hat since the guy was gone." someone I know." Kim says, and I could see he wouldn't say anything more. "An old relationship?" I couldn't help but ask. "Ha. Hell no." He says. "Your crush, maybe?" I asked. "Chay. he is no one but an old friend of my older brothers," Kim says, and I don't push it further. he pulled out my seat, and I sat down. "How did you know he would come?" I asked. His picture was on the wall." He says. "Oh, makes sense." I picked up the menu and intently put it down. "Pii, This place is way too much. I can't.." I say, but Kim cuts me off. " I wouldn't have invited you if I wanted you to pay. Now pick something, or I will pick for you." Kim says, and I look at the menu again. "Can you pick for me anyway? I have no idea what any of this is." I say, and he nods. "What kind of drink? He asked, "Water." I say, and he looks at me, "Wine it is. Don't worry, it won't be strong."

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