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I looked down at my hands, and they were covered in blood. My rings. I'll probably have to get them cleaned again. I should probably stop using them when I have to use my fist. I looked down at my clothes. Well, Chay's clothes, and I see blood sprayed all over it.

If Chay saw the way I looked, would he still love me? If he said what I did to that guy, would he still hug me every night? I lit a cigarette. Easing my thoughts before I got in my car and took off to my condo.

I would go to Chays, but I don't want him to see me like this. I would like to keep him near me for as long as I can.


I woke up; the lights were off, and hardly any sun came through the curtains. I looked at the clock. It said 5:10. I looked around to see if I saw Kim in the darkness, and he wasn't there. "Kim?" I say out loud, just to be met with silence.

Where could he have gone? I got off the bed, feeling slight pain in my body. My head was pounding again. I don't know when these headaches started to get so bad.

I tried to remember what the last thing I did was. "I was sitting at the desk, and Kim got a bag for delivery," I say out loud.

Right, he got that ointment stuff. I rubbed my head. "What happened after?" I scratched my head vigorily. "Shit, I can't remember," I sighed. I reached for the remote to turn on my lights. I rubbed my eyes as my eyes tried to adjust.

"Phone. Phone, where is my phone?" I looked around and saw it on my desk. There were messages from my friend's group Chat. "They asked if they could come over. I thought about it for a moment. I'll tell them to meet me where Kim said we would go.

I'll do that later, though. I need to find out where the hell is my boyfriend went without telling me he was leaving. It would have been nice to know instead of waking up to nothing.

I had no messages from Kim, not even a call. "I swear he doesn't know the meaning of our relationship." I decided to call him. He ignored my call.

"Fucking bastard, are you going to do this again," I say to my phone. I called him again, and he answered right away.

C: Where the fuck are you! Why did you ignore my call?!

K: Baby, don't be mad. I had to handle some business. I told Mong to tell you.

C: Why do I have to hear it from Mong? Why didn't you wake me up!! Do I not matter to you at all?

"Ohhhhhhhh, he's pissed,"

C: who the fuck was that? I fall asleep for a few hours, and you go meet up with someone else!!

K: My love, it's not like that. You were screaming so loud that one of my employees who was passing by overheard you. I would never meet up with anyone else. You know how much I only want to be with you. Or should I show you again later on tonight?

Stupid Kim and his sweet words.

We talked for a little while talking about what we did on the balcony. I can't believe he wanted me to say it out loud. He really likes to tease me. I rolled my eyes. Then he stated he was caught up at work, and it was essential, and I wouldn't see him until the restaurant; I sighed.

I know I shouldn't be needy, and I have already taken up a lot of his time. But I still wanted him here.

Then goes saying he will give me anything I want to make up the time he's been gone. I thought of the most expensive thing I could have thought, "A car?" I said, and he said to give him the year and model." I hope he wasn't serious.

But I wondered If I could buy a racing bike with the card Porsche gave me. I said that, and I wish I hadn't. The mere thought of my brother pissed me off. Kim tried to soothe me, and I know he is correct, but I still can't shake the feeling of what Porsche did. I wanted to change the subject.

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