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"I am trusting you. If anything happens to him, I won't hesitate to kill you. You report to me before my brother or anyone else. If you understand, then you may leave." I say, looking back down at the files that Big had left with me."Ahum.." I look up to see one of my men still here. "Was there something you didn't understand?" I asked annoyed

"No, Khun Kim, but I have to ask. I have known you since childhood, but I lack many skills. I haven't had a chance to prove myself in any tests the bodyguards have to take. Why not trust Wrath or Tin? Even that one guard that always chased after your dick has more skill than me." Mong says. I take a moment to think about what I should say. "Khun Kim, why is my assignment different than the others? Why do I have to be the one to watch this guy?" Mong asked. If I am going to explain things to him, I might as well have Wrath and Tin know, too. "Give me a second," I say and work on my computer to get the video conference going. 

I made sure my programming was going and making sure no one could get into my firewall. I want this conversation to be as private as I can make it. After a moment, Tin gets on camera with Wrath behind him. " Khun Kim," Tin says through the speakers on my computer. " Tin, I am sending you something clink on it before we get started." He nods. Once I saw that my program was going on his end, I got started. "Mong, come here," I say, and he comes to stand next to me as I move so all three are in my view. " Listen closely. What is said here stays between the four of us, so if you have anyone around besides Wrath, I advise you to get them to leave. "Understood, KhunKim," Tin says. Then, I sent a copy of the firewall I was using to hack into the camera. Once I see it is running smoothly, I continue my conversation.

"Here is the situation. You all know that Kinn got a new bodyguard. His name is Porsche. To catch you up, I'll simplify it. I didn't trust him. However, my father is persistent in having him work as his bodyguard. He was a lowly bartender before. I didn't trust it, so I thought he was a spy that wanted some information... I researched and found out he has a younger brother named Porschay." I say, and they are all listening intently.

"I had met his brother before I knew they were related. When I discovered they were, I researched the younger brother. I began to tutor him as my alter ego, WIK. To make it simple, I found nothing out. Chay was just an innocent person who didn't know what his older brother was doing. I continued to tutor him until yesterday when he got kidnapped." I sigh with my head in my hand. " I was there, and I could not stop them from taking Chay. " I sigh again.

"I selected Wrath and Mong to watch and protect Chay. But as you know, Wrath is currently training under Tin. So I am leaving it to Mong for now. I will tell you why in a second. I have to tell you the whole thing first."

I look over to Mong. " So listin' Mong, and if you repeat any of this to anyone else. I will kill every single one of your pets in front of you, then you after. This goes for you two as well." I say, glancing at the other two on the computer. "I understand Khun Kim. I will hold this to my grave." Mong says. I nod at him. "It's about Chay, Porscahy, as I have mentioned him ."I pause for a moment, contemplating whether I should reveal everything that has been going on. I gather the courage and say, "He recently confessed that he is in love with me. Unknowingly, I realized that I had fallen for him, too." I say, unable to control my smile. The way he looks at me, the way he touches me, it's all so alluring. I can't help but smile as I remember our kisses. "Oh shit." The three said in unison. I stare at them with murder in my eyes. 

I sighed and continued, "Chay...and me...we are together. He is my boyfriend. It happened the day before he got kidnapped. I felt my eyes fog over as I spoke with a heavy heart, "The truth is, I cannot be with him. The life I lead is too dangerous for someone as pure and innocent as he is. It's excruciating for me to accept, but after what happened, I cannot bear the thought of dragging him any further into it." I know the way I am acting is not just new to me but new to my man, who has never seen more than a stone-cold killer.

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