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"I like you."

I can't believe what just happened! I finally mustered the courage to tell Kim how I felt about him. I've had a crush on him for so long. Well, I had a crush on WIK, but I wanted to be with Kim, but I was always too scared to say anything. But today, I decided to take a chance, and I'm so glad that I did. I told him I liked him, and he shared the same feelings to my surprise.

I stood there, nervous about my confession. I was prepared for him to say sorry. I was not prepared for Kim to lean in close and kiss me on the corner of my lips. It was a gentle, sweet kiss that made my heart flutter. "His hands were gently touching my face." and I could feel the warmth of his touch. It was a moment I'll never forget - it felt like time had stopped, and it was just the two of us. I'm still in shock, but I feel so happy and loved. Kim is amazing, and I'm so lucky to have him. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would have the same feelings for each other?

I released my grip on his waist, which I realized I had been holding, and stepped back. But he held on to my hands. Unable to look away or even blink. What if he disappeared? What if this is a dream? "Pii Kim, can I take a picture?" I asked, and he smiled. "Have I ever told you no?" He says, and I blush, but remember he has told me no. "When I asked you to be my tutor. you told me no." I say. "True, but that is different, and I ended up tutoring you anyway," His words were true. I didn't think he ever told me no besides that first time. I retrieved the camera I have been carrying with me recently. I stood beside him but left a gap, which he closed by pulling me closer. I blushed, and we both looked at the camera. I pushed the button to capture the picture. Then, it printed out.

"Wait," He says, and I look at him questionly. Did he not want me to take the picture after all? He stood in front of me and reached for my collar. I felt his hands on my neck, and a shiver went down my spine. "Pii Kim? What..."  I say, and he pulls out the necklace he gave me. Then, he went inside his collar to display his. He looked up at me with a smile. Wow, he decided to wear the necklace that was similar to the one he gave.

"wait, wait, wait. When I told you to give it to your crush. You said, 'It already belongs to you.' Did you mean?" I asked. "Did you just catch on to that?" He says with a wicked smile. Did he plan to give it to me all along? But why give it to me before we were a thing? My face got hot. " I thought you would have figured out that it was always meant for you. If you think of it, it was like a confession of my own. Guess you  didn't catch on?" He says. He grabbed the camera from me, stepping to my side. Right before the click shuttered, he kissed my cheek, catching me off guard. I stood there as he kissed my cheek, not once but several times while lowering the camera. he left a trail from my cheek to my ear. "yes, you are my crush." He says, and I didn't know what to do. My heart wouldn't stop racing.

"I don't know what to say," I admit, embarrassed. I nervously reach around to the back of my head. "I didn't plan this through." I blush as I realize how unprepared I am. "I was ready for you to reject me," I confess nervously, but Kim smiles. "I wonder how you didn't notice? I caught onto all of your feelings for me." He trails his fingers along my arm and asks, "So you don't want me to..." I interrupt him, taking his hand and saying, "No, I do. I've liked you for a very long time now. I just don't know what to do next. I've never confessed to anyone before." Kim looks at me, a sparkle in his eyes. He's probably used to people confessing to him. 

"Do you want to play some music since we are in my studio," Kim asked. "Of course, I'd love to play some music," I reply with a soft smile as Kim rubs my wrist with his gentle touch. My heart fluttered with joy as I realized we shared the same feelings for each other. "Can I ask you something?" I say, "Yes." he says. " If you know I liked you, and you had feelings for me, then why didn't you ever mention it?" I asked. "It's complicated." He says, "But I do, Chay. I like you." My mind sets in reality. Kim shares my feelings. Holy Shit! It's as if I was in our little bubble of happiness, with nothing else in the world mattering but how we felt. I feel fortunate to be with him, and my body tingles with the excitement and adrenaline from my confession.

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