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I still can't believe Kim is here and that his brothers from the Mafia surround us. It seems unreal. Looking around, I see vans being filled with our things. It feels as though just yesterday, I was living on scraps now. I have a house, and it's getting filled with everything I want.

I sneak another peek at Kim, who has been watching me since I followed him into that storage and almost gave him my body again. I got to kiss him, and he held me. I missed him even so. I can't forgive him.

"Porschay!" I heard Porsche yell at me. "Hello, are you there?" he said.

"What?" I replied. "I'll be riding with Kinn," Porsche stated. "Should I go with Watt, then?" "No, just take the bike with Kim," he said.

"You can't be serious right now?" I say, and he smiles at me. "Do you not care about how I feel," I say

"It's a fast ride, and look, Watt's car is filled with your things," Tay says. So much for him being on my side.

"I'd rather walk. Give me the address." I say, taking out my phone, but they all just hopped in their car, leaving me with Kim. I looked over to him, and he held out a helmet. "I'll take a taxi," I say and walk to the street, but Kim picks me up and sits me on the bike. Then, I put the helmet over my head.

"I said leave me alone!" I yelled at him, but he put his helmet on and got in front of me. I was about to get off, but he had already started it and pulled up a bit, making me grab around his waist.

How can my brother do this to me? When I was just thinking about forgiving him, he goes and fucks it up. I can't trust anyone.

" Baby, hold on tight." He says.

" I'm not your baby Kim. You left me," I say as he starts to pull away. We got to the entrance, and I saw everyone waiting. In their cars, Kim pulled out with a jolt. Making me hold onto him tighter. "Asshole," I said, and he did it again.

I was fully pressed to his back, and he sped in and out of the cars. I turn my head and see everyone hanging out the windows, speeding, keeping up with us. I saw cop after cop, but none of them stopped up.

Khun peeked out of one of the sunroofs. They looked like they were having a blast. I couldn't help but smile. I pressed myself tighter to Kim. He felt so good in my arms.

Chay. Don't fall for it. Remember what he did. This is all fake.

I felt one of his hands go over mine. And he entwined our fingers together.

Can I give in a little? I ask myself. After today, I won't see him again. I won't allow him back into my life. Just tonight, I promise. I vow on my Ma and Pa.

I nod my head and squeeze him tightly.

The ride was nice. Seeing all the lights pass my view, it looked like a sea. I shooed closer, loosened my arms, and opened them widely. Kim slowed down so I wouldn't get pushed. I felt free; I felt peace. Kim taped my leg, and I knew I had to hold onto him again.

So I did. A few minutes later, we turned into a big building lined with bikes and cars. We slowed to a stop and hopped off as soon as I could. Taking off my helmet and throwing it at Kim

"My Chay, didn't you have fun?" I turn my head around and cross my arms. I did, but I won't be telling him that.

I walked away and waited for everyone to come. They were taking their sweet time. I felt him behind me and placed his hands on my arms.

Just tonight, but don't fall again. I reminded myself and took a step out of his hold. He got closer again, placed his hand on my back, and slowly moved it to the side of my waist. And he kisses the back of my neck.

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