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After several nights of much-needed rest, I felt refreshed and ready to start my journey of self-improvement. Getting up early, well before Kim awoke, I gently disentangled myself from his embrace. Silently, I rummaged through my closet and picked out an outfit suitable for running. Even though it was a Monday and school would start in a few hours, I decided to make the most of my time. I did a light stretch, took a deep breath, and motivated myself to go for the run.

Kim had warned me against going out alone, but I didn't want to bother anyone. Everyone had been undergoing strenuous training sessions daily and desperately needed their rest. Silently, I tiptoed through the kitchen and chose the back door, knowing that Kim's security detail would likely be monitoring the main entrance. Casting a quick glance to ensure the area was empty, I set off at a jog. My breath came a little short—I couldn't even remember the last time I'd worked out; it had been ages. Despite this, I hadn't felt this invigorated in what seemed like forever.

Once I started, I didn't want to stop. I wouldn't have lost track of time if I hadn't forgotten my phone. It was probably late, and I knew I should be getting ready for school. Forgetting my phone was a pain; I wish I hadn't left it behind. Maybe I should consider getting one of those smartwatches that sync with a phone. It would be convenient, especially when I'm working out or engaging in other activities.

But then, I wouldn't be able to wear the watch Kim gave me. Perhaps I could get a set that coordinates like the one Kim got for us, allowing me to use the smartwatch during active times and Kim's watch for everything else. Right now, I need to head home. Hopefully, Kim will still be asleep. If not, I'm sure I'll get a lecture.

As I was heading home, a chill ran down my neck. It wasn't the kind of cool breeze you might expect, but it felt more like someone was standing uncomfortably close to me. I glanced behind but didn't see anyone or hear any footsteps. Not wanting to take any chances, I quickened my pace and rushed home. Maybe Kim was right; I shouldn't have left alone. I still wasn't in any condition to fight anyone. Damn it, Chay, why do you have to be so reckless.

I wasn't too far from home, and as I got closer to my house, I began to feel more at ease. Hopefully, whoever had been lurking around had already left. The moment I saw my house, my sense of relief grew stronger. But then, I noticed Kim's men standing around, looking like they were about to lose their jobs. I realized I was in serious deep shit. Maybe it wasn't too late to turn back; I thought I might take my chances with the unknown rather than face Kim's anger.

With a sigh, I realized I had to confront the mess I had created. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and walked right in, trying to appear unfazed. The guards I passed gave me a relieved look. "Khun Chay, Khun Kim is going crazy looking for you," one of them informed me as I stepped through the front door. "Oh, thank you. Sorry, I was out for a run," I said, hoping to reassure him. Then, I headed to the kitchen to grab myself a drink.

"Can you tell him I'm in the kitchen and it's probably best if everyone stays clear until Kim and I talk?" I say, and the guard nods before heading off to fetch Kim. My mind races as I take a drink to calm my nerves. Fuck, what am I going to say? You can do this, Chay. It's just Kim. What's the worst he can do? I take a moment to consider, and a shiver runs down my spine. "What is the worst Kim could do to me?

I heard hurried footsteps approaching and braced myself for what was coming. I leaned against the counter, and finally, Kim came through the door. He looked furious. "Chay! What the hell were you doing?" Kim yelled. I stood there, not saying a word but holding my ground firmly. Kim marched right up to my face. "I was out for a run," I said. Kim gripped my shoulder tightly. "Do you have any idea how easily you could have been hurt or kidnapped again? Do you want to get kidnapped again, huh, Chay?" His voice was so chilling that I didn't know what to do next. I was scared, but anger quickly took hold of me, overpowering my senses.

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