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NOTE: This is a three-parter.  It's all of kim POV. Since I couldn't type much due to my eye injury.  So, I did something easier.
I hope you enjoy it.

Love,  Your VampOfKnight


I drove to the main house. The guards let me in, and I parked. I stepped out and threw my keys to one of the guards.

I make my way to Kinn's office. No knocking and I just walked in. He had Porsche on his desk.
"Fuck Kim! The hell, why don't you fucking knock. I already told you not to be walking in like you own the damn place.!" He says

I go over to his bar while they right themself and pour myself another drink.

"What's so fucking urgent that has you baring in" I turn to Kinn, who was buttoning his pants.
Porsche headed for the door. "Stay, you're going to want to hear this," I say, and he stops and returns to Kinn's side. I motion for them to sit. 

"Who do you think the boss is here," Kinn says. 

"We both know that title belongs to me. I don't want to deal with the Mafia bull shit. That's the only reason you have the title," I say.

"Kimhan!" Kinn yells. 

"Sit down and listen. You both are going to want to hear this." I say, sipping my drink.
They listened. "What is it," Kinn asks.

"Porschay," I say, and Porsche jumps up right away, and I stand up. "Sit down!" I sat, and he hesitated, but Kinn pulled on his arm.

"When Chay was kidnapped, something happened. One of the men I had Kinn look for is in your dungeon. There was a reason I wanted to look for him. When I went through the cameras, I saw a man touching Chay's bare chest." I fist my hands to my chest.

"When I saved Chay, his shirt was torn, and his pants were unbuckled. I saw blood, but I thought it was from one of Chay's wounds on his face." 

"I SHOULD HAVE KNOW BETTER," I yell. Grabbing my chest, I start to breathe heavily. I tried to get it under control, but it was hard. I threw my glass to the floor out of anger cause the pain of what happened to him was painful to know.

Kinn ran up to me, and Porsche stood up, unsure what to do. "Kim, what's wrong? I have never seen you like this. What do I do?"

I pushed him away. " HE! MY CHAY! HE WAS RAPPED!" I say, clutching my chest harder. Porsche collapses in the Chair. 

It was quiet, and I started to regulate my breathing.

"You told me you weren't sure!" Kinn says.

"YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS KINN!" Porsche walks up to Kinn and slaps him. Then he turned to me but stopped. And headed for the door. 

"Wait, I'm not done," I say 

"I don't give a fuck if you're done or not! I am going to my brother!" 

"He'll push you away before you get the chance to see him. He hates you right now." I say, and that made Porsche stop. "I don't care." He says

"Would you rather hear what happened right now or go there? and he won't tell you anything for who knows how long or the rest of his life!" I say, and he drops his hand from the knob.

"Fine, tell me! But when you're done, I will go to him." He says and goes back to the couch to sit.
I lit a cigarette, and so did they after Kinn poured us all a drink.

"Talk, " Porsche says.

"First, you know I have been seeing your brother for a while. What you don't know is I met Chay before I knew anything about you. When I found out he was related to you. I became his tutor and wanted to use him to get information about you. It didn't work out, and because of Chay, I concluded you were nothing but a lowlife bartender." 

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