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He must still feel something for me. Sitting up, I leaned forward with my arms on my knees and brushed my lips thoughtfully. Had it been real or just a dream, that kiss? Glancing down, the bruises on my knees caught my eye; that'd be from the shower and staying on his floor for most of the night. Tempting as it was to hop in the shower with him, he'd asked for space. I decided to respect that.

I got up and looked down at his bed; smiling, I straightened out for him. He allowed my kisses on his neck, even though it was only for a moment. As long as he drops these little clues, I'm confident he still wants me. I'm sure I haven't lost my Chay. With a pin and notepad in hand, I carried the tray to the kitchen and set it down. Mong walked in, noticed me, and passed me a cup of coffee.

"What's with the pin and pad?" He asked.

--rough night with Chay, bring me some tea for my throat--

He read it and tried to hold back his laughter.

"On it, boss," he says and turns around. "He's really making you work,"

I tossed my pin towards him; it smacked the back of his head, which made him grab the back of it. Then he burst into laughter.

I was drinking my coffee, and it burned going down my throat, so I put it down, made my way to the fridge, and grabbed water for Chay. The sound of the water stopping had me hurrying upstairs, snatching up the notepad and pin on my way.

I laid out a fresh set of clothes for him on the bed, including shoes, socks, and underwear. I thought about putting the watch out, but it was still broken. So I held back on the watch, feeling it wasn't the right moment to return it anyway. The same with the necklace; since he snapped it off, the clasps need to be repaired after he broke it.

Chay came in with just a towel wrapped around his lower half, his hair still dripping. He looked fucking sexy, and I found myself biting my lip. His gaze caught mine. "Still around? Shouldn't you be busy with work?" he asked with attitude. Glancing at my watch, I realized I was late for the studio. But I could manage my work right here, I decided. I'll head out when he takes off for Wujus.

I walked over to him and reached for his arm, which he pulled away. I motioned to his clothes, and he looked down.

"Are you my butler now?" he throws at me with a bit of sass, and I nod eagerly. "Fine, get me some water. No need to rush. Feel free to get lost on the way back." He said with more sass, but I couldn't help smirking as I handed over the water bottle I had prepped for my baby behind my back.

"Annoying!!" He says but takes the water. And I blew him a kiss.

"Leave. I need to change," I went to his nook and sat at his desk, opening his laptop. I'll ask Art to bring mine later.

"I meant my room. Leave my room!" He says, but I chuckle.

"I hate you, Kimhan!" He says my name, and it pains my heart. He got dressed, and I leaned back to take a look, grabbing my cock. 'Not right now,' I tell myself. Chay looked over and saw me looking, and he threw his towel. I laughed, putting my attention back on my work; this is a pain. I need a manager ASAP.

knock, knock

"Are you going to answer it?" Chay asks. I rise; Chay is getting ready to put on his shirt, and I move toward him. My hands slide across his ribs. He stiffens and tilts back , and I peck his neck. He nudges me with his elbow. "The door, Kim," he says, and I throw my head back, sighing. All I want is to be close to him. I let out a breath, opening the door.

"Your tea, Khun Kim, and juice for Khun Chay.l I picked up breakfast for you both," Art says

I take the tray. "Construction people are here for the closet makeover, and Tay just pulled in with some trucks with more of the furniture." He says.

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