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It's been a few days, and I still feel hurt by my brother. How can he leave without telling me? How is that fair to me? I've been very depressed. I can't focus in school. Where did I mess up? How could I have been better? I know I can be a child sometimes. I need to rethink my behavior. I'll be 19 soon. No one wants to be around a childish person when they're supposed to be grown.

I tried to message him, but there was no reply. It seems like everyone has abandoned me. My brother has no way that I can reach him. Friends haven't asked to hang out, either. I'm so bored. My studies are all caught up, and I dislike watching TV. I tried to play my guitar, and there was joy in that, but since training with Kim, it has been much more fun. So, playing it alone has lost some enjoyment.

I thought about messaging Kim. Maybe he'll come hang out with me. But what would I say?

*Hey, Pii, can I get information on how to do this part of the song?*

It could be fun. I mustered all my courage and sent just that. I waited for a few minutes, but there was no reply. Maybe Kim is just busy. Of course, he is; he is an idol, after all. Why would he make time for a random person like me? I'm just a person who asked for him to tutor me.

I gave up and put my phone down. I'm getting a bit hungry. I'll see if I have anything in the fridge. When I reached my door, I heard the ding of my phone. I let go of the knob and ran to my bed, jumping onto it and reaching for my phone. I clumsily grab it, dropping it a few times.

K: Sure. Meet me at my studio.

C: Okay, Pii, I'll be there shortly. I need to catch the bus.

K: I'll Be there in 10-no need to take the bus. You don't need to bring anything either. I have everything at my studio.

C: Ah, okay, see you in a bit.

Then he hung up, and I jumped up to get ready. I had a quick shower and got changed. I took my phone off its charge and stuffed it in my pocket. I was about to head out. I say the small Polaroid camera hia gave me a few years back. I wanted to take photography at one point, but Hia couldn't afford one of those fancy cameras, so I got this one instead. I dropped the idea of photography and just focused on my guitar since I already had it. It is a hammy down from my father, but it was better than spending money to do something I knew nothing about.

However, I like using this every once in a while. It isn't huge, like if it's a toy made of Play-Doh, but a smaller compact one that fits in your pocket. It holds like 5.

I picked it up and put it in my pocket, then ran downstairs and out the door, ensuring I locked it. Pii Kim was already waiting. I hope he hadn't been standing there for too long.

Kim leaned on his car, waiting. He has sunglasses on, smoking a cigarette. He looks extremely attractive in a very dangerous way. The sun shining down on him enhanced his good looks. I don't understand how someone can look this rich with good looks.

When I got closer to him, he threw the cigarette. It was a warm day, so Kim wore a white shirt tucked into his jeans. I am a bit disappointed he wasn't wearing one of his leather jackets. I understand him, though. I wouldn't wear a jacket when it is this freaking warm out. With or without the jacket, he looked good. Damn, did he look good? I couldn't help but stare longer than I should have. How can he look this good? Is he even human? He clears his throat. Shit, he probably thinks I am a weirdo now or a perverted. I shouldn't have stared that long.

"Sorry, Pii Kim, I hope you didn't wait too long," I say. I wondered if he was annoyed. I couldn't see his emotions with his sunglasses hiding his eyes. He doesn't say anything and gets into his car. Did I make him wait that long? Was he so annoyed that he didn't want to speak to me? He rolled down his window. " Are you getting in?" He asked, and I went over to the passenger side as fast as I could and slid into the passenger seat. He started the car, and then he drove straight to the studio.

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