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NOTE: I am sorry for posting so late. I had to wait till the next day. My son had a high fever, so I had to stop editing to make sure my baby was alright. I hope you enjoy it.
   Love, VampOfKnight.
           Ps: It's longer than usual because I didn't want to make a part 4. 


*** Chay's song to Kim started going off***

"Chay is calling me."

I took out my phone and showed them his name.

I turned my phone so they could see a picture of us in the tub. Did I have to? No, but I wanted to piss Porsche off again.

-My baby-

"Did you really have to use that as the picture?" Porsche asks, looking away. "I didn't put it on there; Chay did," I smile. I think making Porsche feel awkward/uncomfortable is my new favorite hobby.

"Ohhh, so that's what Chay looks like. Awwwww, you two look so good together. That hairstyle looks so good on my son," Khun says. I roll my eyes, "That is such a good angel of yours. I can't wait to meet him." Khun says, clapping his hands.

My hands went clammy as my song from Chay stopped, "Crap, he's going to be pissed that I didn't pick up," I muttered, heart thumping. Not a second of silence later, the song went off again, and I immediately answered and hit the speaker button, getting ready to hear his anger.

C: Where the fuck are you! Why did you ignore my call?! 

Chay yells at the phone.

K: Baby, I am sorry, don't be mad at me. I had to handle some business. I told Mong to tell you.

C: Why do I have to hear it from Mong? Is he my boyfriend? No, Why didn't you wake me up!! Do I not matter to you at all?

"Ohhhhhhhh, he's pissed," Tankhun says. I threw a pillow at him to shut him up, and Kinn was holding a laugh.

It seemed Chay didn't remember what happened in his room before he fell asleep.

C: Who the fuck was that? I fall asleep for a few hours, and you go meet up with someone else!!

K: My love, it's not like that. Damn right, he is not. You only need me. You were screaming so loud that one of my employees who was passing by overheard you. I would never meet up with anyone else. You know how much I only want to be with you. Or should I show you again later on tonight?

Porsche's face was priceless. I knew he wanted to say something, but he didn't. I was right. Making Porsche look uncomfortable and pissed is a great hobby.

C: Kim, stop. What if someone heard you, and you know I can't right now after...well, you know.

K: You know, I think I forgot, why don't you tell me again? What did we do?

C: Kim!

He says, and I can almost see how red he is getting.

C: You know, The way we, ummm

K: Umm, what?

I can see Porsche getting ready to kill me now. I couldn't help my smirk.

C: Do I have to say it out loud?

K: Is my baby shy? You don't want to say how I gave you every ounce of my love I have for you on your balcony? When I was buried deep inside of you? As you moaned, my name? My love. You don't have to be shy.

C: Kimm stopppppppppppp

I chuckle. But I was also getting hard as I remembered it. So I better stop it here.

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