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I have been staying at Jae's bar for over a day, and Hia still hasn't told me what is happening. He told me not to leave or tell anyone I was there. I don't know what Hia did, but why must I be punished? I missed my space and my bed.

Bringing my laptop was a smart move. It let me catch up on my studies and look through my classes. Got an email regarding the Moon application, which made me sigh. I wasn't keen on it, but a promise is a promise. There's still a possibility they might not pick me. Fingers crossed on that. But now I need to decide on a backup plan in case my Idol dreams don't fall through. I need to give it some thought.

When studying wore me out, I'd play games instead. But even gaming lost its charm after a few hours.

Being here with very little to do gives me much time to think about Kim, but whenever I catch myself, I think of something else. I still miss him, but I do not want to be with him or see him again. I need to move on.

I looked at myself in the mirror and wasn't feeling it anymore. I did it hoping a new look would let me forget Kim, but it didn't. Honestly, I didn't even like it. I should go back to bark hair. I felt more confident.


The next day, Pa made his move by faking a poisoning after telling Kinn about our relationship with the Kittisawasd. It was easy to make Kinn believe it was real, and he fell for it. Khun was unaware of what was happening, so he cried, even though we didn't like Pa for everything he put us through. At the end of the day, he was still our father.

I did as Pa asked. I coxed Kinn to make a choice and pre-paired him to keep the role of the head Mafia; it only took a few words. Kinn was easy to get the reaction that I wanted. Pa better keep his word. If Chays Ma was still alive, he better get a chance to see her soon.

This morning, there was a meeting. Kinn told our business partners that he would take charge of the Mafia. We had to convince everyone that Pa had passed away. I was glad that Kinn didn't know the truth cause if he did, he wouldn't have had the balls to do what was needed.

Things started to get chaotic, and some of our partners argued that Gun should take over instead of Kinn. These are the same ones that have done deals with the minor family without knowledge, making them traders. Pa's plan wasn't half bad; it got us to figure out who was truly on our side.

Kinn stepped up and demonstrated to these traders what happens when you betray our family. Just how a true Mafia boss should act. I stayed out of sight but kept my eyes wide open. That's how things are for me in our family; I remain in the shadows. I maintain a low profile since nobody is supposed to know what Kimhan looks like.

When there was nothing left for me to handle, I decided to look for My Chay.

I went to Chay's house. It was emptied of life, just my cats. I don't know where Mong went, but my guess is Pa called him to the main house for the upcoming battle. I need to take him from them soon.

Watt went back to the shit hole he came from. I looked into it, and my men followed him. He walked around, talked with people, gave them things, and helped where possible. He may come from shit, but he is a true one. He knows where he once came from. He cooked for kids who lived on the streets and elderly people. It wasn't much, but that little brought joy to the rat holes of Bangkok.

I went to check the cameras for what had happened the previous day. Trying to find evidence, if any, pointed me to what happened and why Porsche had to take Chay away. Porsche came to Chay early in the morning, taking about 30 minutes. Then they took off on their bikes. They went to Wujus first but ended up at yoks.

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