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After delivering all the requested items to the studio, I returned to my condo. However, as I entered, I sensed that something was not right. Despite the uneasy feeling, I managed to remain calm. I placed Chay's guitar on the couch and retrieved my gun. I then carefully inspected my surroundings, but nothing appeared out of place. Although I usually felt a sense of danger in such situations, this time was different. I was alone in my condo. It was strange to feel this way as if something wasn't settling right with me.

The uneasy feeling got prominent as I gazed at the guitar resting on my couch. A sudden realization hit me. Giving it to Chay made me feel anxious. This feeling was unusual for me. Despite having killed numerous people without a second thought, I found myself worrying about gifting him this guitar. The thought was perplexing. I started pacing back and forth, trying to convince myself it wasn't the case. I took a deep breath and thought of a reason why I felt this way. I couldn't think of anything else. I wanted to give it to him as soon as possible, maybe because I genuinely cared about what he would think about it. Would he like it or hate it? Or perhaps it was because I had never given anyone anything before. What if he didn't accept it?

I pulled out my phone and read the last message he had sent me with a sense of anticipation. "Are we still meeting next week?" My heart raced at the thought of tutoring him. However, I knew I couldn't wait that long. I let out a loud growl of frustration and decided to get ready. I hurriedly took a quick shower and quickly got dressed, opting for my favorite pair of leather pants paired with a dark green, almost black shirt. I picked out my accessories. I chose a silver necklace with a safety pin, a matching watch, and several rings, which I stacked on my fingers. Lastly, I added some small hoop earrings.

I spent some time fixing my hair. Then, I wondered whether I should wear my leather jacket. I knew that Chay liked me in it, but I questioned why I cared so much about my appearance to him. Eventually, I decided against the jacket as the weather was too hot outside. Just as I was leaving my closet, I noticed my cologne. Without thinking twice, I sprayed it on myself. After grabbing my shoes, I walked towards his guitar. I paused momentarily to look at it before picking it up and leaving my condo.

As I made my way to Chay's house, my heart began to race, and my stomach churned with anxiety. I couldn't shake the feeling of doubt. What if he refused it? I had no idea what his reaction would be, and the uncertainty left me feeling vulnerable. It was a risk I was willing to take, but the thought of him being a spy still lingered in my mind. I knew it was not a good idea to see Chay, but my foot pressed down on the accelerator pedal as if an invisible force had taken over the control of my body. Despite my better judgment, I speed toward Chay's house.

On my way there, I had to keep reminding myself that I wanted to finish the song, even though it meant I would have to see Chay. Assisting him was a big part of completing it. I have a deep appreciation for music and cannot bear to leave a song unfinished when it has the potential to be a hit. Once the song is finished, I plan to cut ties with Chay. I feel confident that I have found the solution to my anxiety, and it also allows me to gather information about his brother.

I arrived at his gate before I realized it. I should have called ahead of time. What if he's not at home? After all, it's a school day. I suddenly remembered that he was still in high school. How could I forget that? I looked into his house through the gate and saw movement on his couch. It was unsettling to see how careless he was, leaving his curtains open and the door wide open while being alone. Does he not know anyone could easily peek in or hop the wall to get inside his house? Does he not know that perverts could stand there and watch him? He could be shirtless, walking around, or even in his boxers. He could be having a nap, and someone could walk right in. I'm surprised he's never been kidnapped.

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