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The room remained silent for a prolonged moment, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. Somchair kept his gaze fixated on the table, his mind replaying the intense discussions from the meeting just past. As he sat there, rooted to his seat, he could feel the oppressive heaviness in the atmosphere. Kim's piercing eyes bore into him, penetrating his very soul, filling him with a palpable tension. Yet, amid this mounting pressure, a subtle sense of reassurance crept in, fueled by the reliving presence of Chay. As long as Chay was there, Somchair knew that no immediate confrontation would erupt.

"Firstly, hello. My name is Porschay Kittisawasd, though you can call me Chay," Chay began, his voice carrying a tone of friendly openness. Just as he finished, Kim interjected firmly, "No, you will not. You will address him with respect," his stern gaze drilling in to Somchair, emphasizing the seriousness of his statement.

"Kim, shut the fuck up. You don't get to decide how I prefer to be addressed. You know I don't care for formality," Chay retorted, his voice sharp and unwavering and tired of Kims persistence. He glanced at Kim with a look that brooked no argument, but Kim merely clicked his tongue in mild exasperation. "You need to understand, Chay, that a name holds power. It's what instills fear and commands respect," Kim replied, turning his head to meet Chays gaze with a steady, almost paternal concern.

"Oh, really? Did your father teach you that?" Chay retorted, his eyebrow arching in a mix of skepticism and amusement.

Kim could only bite his tongue, the bitter taste of truth lingering on his lips. Deep down, he knew Chay was right; it was indeed his father who had imparted that lesson. The weight of his father's teachings bore down on him, rendering him speechless in the face of Chay's candid observation.

"Unlike your ill-fated family, I'd rather forge friendships than wield command to gain followers," Chay stated firmly, the palpable tension between him and Kim thickening the air. Kim exhaled a deep sigh, the weight of their disagreement pressing heavily on his chest. He extended a hand towards Chay, a gesture of conciliation. "You're right, my love. I'm sorry. Can we put this argument behind us and address the issue at hand?" Kim's voice carried a note of defeat as he indicated Somchair with a pointed glance. The last thing he wanted was to incur Chay's wrath again, especially when they were doing really well at the moment.

"Listen closely, Somchair. You need to understand that the only reason I intervened just now is because I am well aware of how violent Kim can be, and I possess a cooler, more rational mindset than he does. However, let me make myself perfectly clear: if I even get the slightest indication that you have revealed what you witnessed, I will not intervene again. Despite being relatively new to this world, I have been told repeatedly that I am not to be mess with. Kim and I have been by each other's side for a considerable time now, and we've overcome numerous obstacles to reach where we are now. I will fiercely protect everything I have strived for and the deep love I have for Kim. Even if it means sacrificing my own humanity, do you understand?" Chay said, his voice unwavering and eyes locked with Somchair's.

"Yes, ahh, Chay..." Somchair stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty as he fumbled with his words, eyes darting to Kim when he spoke Chays name.

"Now that you understand, it seems I will be working with you on this series you want Kim to handle because I refuse to let another person touch what belongs to me. I'm anticipating our collaboration, but I will strictly adhere to Kim's directives and actions. Kim, are you comfortable with that? While I work with you and the others, I expect professional behavior. Is that clear?" Chay said, while Kim responded with a dismissive click of his tongue once again but nodded in agreement.

"I don't care about the screen time; I just don't want Kim paired with anyone else," Chay stated firmly, his voice tinged with jealousy. His eyes narrowed slightly as he spoke, making it clear that the thought of Kim with another on-screen was unbearable for him.

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