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Note: Hello lovelies,

  I hope everyone is doing well. 

So, I was going to end the story here, but I am not ready to say goodbye to this story. It is so cute. I still want to add some things, but I don't know how I would like to add them. So, I carried some of this chapter to the next. My chapters will be further apart as I try and work on what I still want to add. I might end up posting once a week like I was at the beginning of this story.

I thought about doing a 2nd story after this, but I'm unsure if I should just continue to add to this one. Let me know your thoughts. 

Suppose you have ideas you want to read. Let me know, and I'll be happy to add it.  I like to get my readers involved. 

I hope you have an excellent rest of the day. Thank you for all the support in my stories. It makes me so happy when I see votes. It keeps me going. Hit the little star for your support.

   Love your VampOfKnight <3


I took out my phone and went live.

"Hello, everyone. Wik here," I say, grabbing Chay around his neck.." I move us so the TV is behind us. Chay tried to get out the shot, but I kept him there.

"We want to thank everyone from school who went along with the little game today. I had to give Porschay here a warm welcome. I decided to go live because people say it wasn't a legit win since his friends helped him." I say, facing the TV.

I know my fans will take care of this bitch that thinks she knows what our rules are. To a game, we made up on the spot. If she doesn't get fired with all the backlash my fans will give her, I can always take care of it. Just not right now.

"I am here to tell you. It was. We only said they couldn't help him hide. His friends didn't do anything wrong, and Porschay didn't either. They outsmarted me in this game I came up with in the spot," I say, looking into Chay's eyes. He blushed, making him so much more attractive.

"Kim, why are you doing this? I didn't agree to this or your stupid game earlier. " He says in my ear.

"I am not going to let this low life talk down on you. That is one thing I will not take lightly." I whispered in his ear, making him roll his eyes.

"Yes, my friends are brilliant, and we found a way to win my mentor's game together. It was a load of fun. Very tiring trying to run away from him and my classmates. Overall, it was a great first day. " Chay says, smiling. Then he got all cute.

"Thank you for playing with me. I had a lot of fun. Let's play again sometime." He says the charm was unmatched.

The chat went crazy, spamming hearts again. I looked at the Chay since it was going crazy.

"They are asking when we'll duet," I tell Chay.

"Oh, I don't know. We got to figure out all that. Like what to play, when we will, and all those other things." Chay says.

"When we figure it out. Will let you know." I say, then I let go of Chay, letting him do whatever he wanted. Taking my live chat with me. I decided I'd stay on for a while longer since. I haven't done many things publicly in some time.

The chat was telling me to bring Chay back. Others asked when a new song would be out and if I had any upcoming collabs. Music video, etc.

I've decided to take a break this year to focus on my last two school years. Touring and producing new content non-stop meant I missed out on a lot. I'll still do a couple of small projects, though. Could you encourage my student to interview with me?" I asked.

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