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I walked slowly to make sure Chay didn't fall walking behind me. I wonder what this was all about. Did he not want me to see where he was going? He stopped moving and held me in my place.

I felt his hand move, and I looked at my surroundings. I was shocked. Did he do this for me? What did it mean? Is he accepting me now? Is this how he will tell me he wants to be with me again? God, I hoped so.

A movement caught my attention, and I looked to see the Wrath. What the fuck was he doing here? I thought I put a stop to this plan. I'm just getting Chay back. I don't want him to be mad at me again. I have to tell Chay before he assumes something bad.

"Chay, my love," I say, grabbing his hands in mine with panic. "Listen. I came up with a plan a while back. I was going to have them watch you for me. I had planned on breaking up with you. But I still wanted to make sure you were always protected. I am sorry I was going to tell you. I was, but things are going so well with us lately. I didn't want you to hate me even more. I should have told you earlier."

I placed my hand on either side of his head. hopping, he wouldn't be mad, "Please don't leave me again." I say, and he tries to step back. No...no..this can't happen again. I was so close to being with him again.

"Why are you telling me this?" He says, still trying to get free of my hold. I let go of him and hung my head.

"Baby, please," I say through my sobs. " forgive me. For what I'm about to tell you."

"The man over there works for me. I hoped he'd manage you. I asked him to keep an eye on you. He's my second, and I wanted you to become friends. I wanted to use him as I did with Mong before you knew who I was..." I couldn't stand myself for all the stupid shit I did.

Chay stepped further away. I went to my knees to beg.

"Did you plan all this?" he questioned. Nodding regretfully, I admitted, "I've used people for my own gain. You, Mong, who else? I settled Watt's debts so he'd become your chef. However, he never worked directly for me, that I promise." I say to Chay

"You did all of this for what?" He asked. "To keep an eye on me to make sure I was safe. Is that why you left me at the dinner with my friends." He says

I nodded. "I love you so much. When I left, I thought you would be better off without my darkness. So I hid myself. At first, I used you, but then I fell harder and harder with each time I saw you. I didn't want to dim your light. But I was still... No, I am still very protective of you." I say, hoping he would understand.

"I can't lose you, Porschay. Please, I beg, don't cast me out again."

I heard footsteps walking up beside me. He stopped in front of Chay. But I couldn't look at what was happening. Wrath stepped to the side and walked back to where he came from. I saw Chay step closer to me. And he couched down. I felt his hand on my chin so he could pick up my head.

I didn't allow him to. I was scared he was going to tell me to get lost. I wrapped my arms around him, and he raised his arms. "Chay, please. Don't tell me to leave or get lost. I don't want to live without you." I say, holding him tight.

"Kim," he says in a soft voice. I still didn't look at him. "If I tell you to leave? will you give up on me?" He asked, and I burst into tears. "Baby, please don't..." I say. "Answer me, Kim?"

"If I tell you to leave me alone, will you give up on me?" He asked again. I shook my head.

"Then look at me." He says. I took a deep breath. And slowly looked up at him. His eyes were soft. "Was that so hard? to tell me the truth?" He asked. There wasn't a hint of him being mad or upset.

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