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 A Note: I wanted to try a new format. Tell me if this way is better or if I should stick to what I have been doing.
   Love your VampOf Knight.


When I left the main house, I drove straight to Chays. Calling Mong before I got there. I can't wait to see him. I know this is not a great idea. I called Mong before I got there.

M: Khun Kim.

K: I'm going to stop by Chays for a moment.

M: The guards are here still. Is it a good idea?

K: I don't care. I need to see him.

M: Khun Chay is asleep. Come back when he wakes up.

K: Perfect, I'll be there in one minute. Make sure no one goes up to his room.

M: Yes, Khun.

I hung up and parked in front of Chay's house. He's currently asleep, but at least I'll get to see him. Although I'd love to hold him in my arms while he's awake, it's better this way since I can continue to keep my background a secret. I looked around to make sure everything was good, then went through the front gate and saw Mong waiting. I approached him and handed him the bag.

"Tell one of the guards to give this to Chay and let them know it's from Porsche,' I said as I handed him an envelope. "This is my card. Make sure he gets this, too. I know he's upset with you, but Chay won't be mad when he wakes up. Take him shopping or do something to make up for your fuck up." I say and pass him to get inside as he follows.

" Where are the other two?" I asked.

"Art is resting in the guest room, and Watt is making food in the kitchen. Did you know that Khun Chay didn't have any food in his house?" he asked, causing me to stop walking abruptly. He made some eggs for me before he got kidnapped. I wonder if that was all the food he had left? I pondered over it for a moment until I heard footsteps approaching, at which I quickly hid.

"Mong. what are you doing? Who are you talking to," Art asked.

" I was on the phone. Here, take this: it was delivered from the main house," Mong says, handing the things to Art. "I was on the phone. Here, take this. It was delivered from the main house. Porsche got it for Khun Chay. Could you please give it to him when he wakes up? He's mad at me, so I'd appreciate if you could give it to him for me," Mong said in a bit of a sad tone. "He wouldn't want to see me right now. so better you than me." He says

"I'll give it to him when I get back. I'll be gone for about an hour; I need to do something. Let me know when or if anything happens. Keep an eye out for Watt.". Art said and walked away,

I came out of hiding. That surprised me. I thought they were in on something together. "He doesn't trust Watt either. Interesting. There is something off about him; I just don't know what it is just yet," I said.

"You were right to keep an eye on him, Khun Kim," Mong says

I make my way upstairs. When I got to the door, I turned to Mong. "Keep at the door, Dont let anyone in," I say, and he nods. I opened the door as slowly and quietly as I could not to wake him.

I closed the door quietly, hoping not to make any noise, and looked around. The room was very homely, and it was where Chay had grown up. I couldn't help but wonder how he was as a child, a kid, a preteen, and now a teenager, just at the brink of becoming a young adult. This was his private space. This room was his home, and my home was the person lying on the bed. I closed my eyes and then opened them again, taking another look around the room. It felt very cozy and comfortable. These walls had witnessed his transformation into the man he is today. This was Chay's private sanctuary, reflecting his personality in every way.

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