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After getting home from Chay's house, I couldn't fall back to sleep.

Instead, I went to my murder board and threw all the paperwork I had gathered on my desk. Chay was a huge distraction from my research. Now that I no longer have him. I needed something to preoccupy my mind. I got a notification on my computer and checked what it was.

Chay was using the laptop, so I screen-shared it and noticed that he was initially scrolling through his social media feed. After a while, he started researching, possibly for his homework. I observed that he doesn't spend too much time on social media despite his growing followers after the video he posted at Wujus. Fans are already demanding a new song from him. 

After a while, I returned to what I was doing. Big informed me that the police director who worked on the case was at the tempo. I am thinking of paying him a visit today. I checked the time. If I leave now, I wonder if I can make it to the main house when Chay is there so that I can get a glimpse of him once again.

Knock, Knock.

I look over to my door. Who would be here? I was sure I wasn't expecting anyone. It had to be someone I knew since my security wouldn't let anyone in.

As I went down the hallway, I glanced at the security camera and was surprised at who I saw. "Well, shit," I whispered to myself. I made my way towards the door and reached for the doorknob.

"Seem you missed your turn at death's door. You look like shit," I say

"Always a warm welcome with you, huh," Big says, and I walk back to my room. 

"They let you out? I thought you would be there for a few more weeks?" I say

" I got bored," He says. "Khun Kim. I came here to ask you a favor?" Big says, and I lean against the desk. 

"What makes you think I'm taking favors? You think because I paid off Watt's debt. I am a fucking saint." I say, annoyed. I regreated, helping Watt. People think I am all soft now. This is what me being in love with Chay cost me. He makes me soft. I sigh. I miss him.

"This will benefit you as well," Big says, and I looked at him. "What can you give that I can't do on my own? Do you know who I am?." I say I should just kill him here. "I'll hear you out. But I doubt anything would help me out. I am already on top of the food chain." I say, giving Big a side-eye glare. Lighting a cigarette.

"Can I come work for you?" I think about it for a moment. "Aren't you in love with my brother? Isn't that why you denied my offer many years ago?" I asked

"Yeah, well. Kinn has met his life partner. There is no point in being around to watch that." He says. Turning away.

Big stood in front of me; his muscles were still there but weakened from lying in a hospital bed. I eyed him, skeptical. Can he still fight? Or had his wounds turned him to stone? There was only one way to find out. With a flick of my wrist, my knife cut through the air toward him. He sidestepped, my blade narrowly missing, as I went forward with a punch. It clipped him—a graze, but enough to prove a point.

Unfazed, Big came back at me, his blows heavy but lacking their former grace. His scars betrayed him; I read him like an open book. I landed a few hits, watching as his chest heaved for air. I stepped back, giving him a moment to catch his breath.

"Khun Kim, I'm not fully healed yet, it's true, but I'm itching to do something, anything until I can throw myself into the fight again. I've picked up a thing or two about tech, and trust me, guns aren't a mystery to me. I've got the smarts, don't I? Just give me a shot to show you what I'm capable of?" Big pleads, bowing low in desperation.

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