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"Kim! I need you!" Chay yelled out to me, shit! I stopped fighting and ran to him; I lost control. Leaving mid-fight, they tried to catch their breath. "Fuck, I'm sorry, my love," I tried to reach for his hands, but he shoved me away. I knew then that I really fucked up, and this could possibly be the end.

Chay looked at me, and I saw emptiness in his usual shiny eyes. He headed for the door. "Baby, please. Baby. I'm sorry, don't leave," I beg. he doesn't even turn around. "Please, baby, don't go. Porschay, Please don't leave me," I continue to beg. "I'm sorry, My love."

"Who are you? " he says, turning around.

"I'm your Kim, baby," I say, reaching out and touching his arm. My anxiety starts to pick up. Please just give me one more day. I pray to the gods for the first time. I lost my temper. I won't again, just give me one more day.

But, of course, no one will be listening to my prayer. This is it. This is where it ends.


"Chay...I ahh...I think we should leave.." Sianna says

What is going on? Why did Kim act like this? 

"ha, ha, ha." I look over to Kim as he starts to laugh a bit manically. "No stay. You're going to want to hear this." Kim says

"Khun Kim. They should leave. Are you sure about this?" Mong says, and I look over at him, confused?

"Kim?" I step closer to him and grab his arm. He looks down at it. He holds it and squeezes it comfortably before pushing it away.

"You asked who I was. I hoped it would be a bit longer until I told you." He smirked wickedly and put his hands in his pocket.

He radiated power, fear, and a haunting expression. "Kim???"

He chuckles. "No porschay... I am Kim Kimhan Theerapanyakul"

Gasping was heard from Nova, Benz, Sianna, and Ohm. I looked at Kim, confused. "Your full name?" I asked, "Yes, Porschay, that is my full name." he said.

"What does that have to do with why you're acting like this? " I asked.

Nova and Benz came to my side, and Watt stood before me.

"Khun Chay. Theerapanyakul is the last name of the main family." Watt says, still scratching my head, confused.

"Chay, that's the mafia," Nova says in my ear. My whole body freezes.

"That means..."I say

"Yes, I am the youngest son of the mafia head. The prince of the Mafia if you want to know exactly,' Kim says, and I feel lost on how I am supposed to feel.

"So you know all along that I am Porsche's brother?" I say. Kim scratches him braw. "Yes. If not, why else would I approach you and decide to tutor you?" Kim's hard exterior wavered but then returned to a stone-cold expression.

"How can you say that," I say. My heart was breaking.  

Ohm had been correct. It wasn't a coincidence.


I watch Chay as he slowly starts to understand what I am saying; every word has increasingly broken my heart. All I wanted to do was wrap him in a hug and tell him I was joking. It will worsen later if it doesn't happen now, and we can't be together. Our relationship was doomed from the start.

"If there's nothing, excuse me," I say, 'cause if I keep seeing my baby like this, there's no way I'll be able to walk away. I turn away.

I hear his footsteps coming to me. Baby, please don't come to me. It's hard on me too. I felt his arm grab mine. And he clung to it.

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