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I spotted a trash bin and considered tossing in my resume. I paused by it, wondering. My resume hovered above the bin. After a deep sigh, I grasped it more firmly, took a deep breath, and entered through the doors.

The corridors were filled with people. I felt lost and looked around for some direction.

"Nong Porschay?" A girl asks, as though we've met before. It puzzles me for a moment, but then it clicks. The last time I was here, she was asking if I was single with a bunch of students.

"I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name," I apologize, but she quickly takes my hand. "It's Xuwicha. I'm the music arts star. You're here for the interview, right?" She asks, and I just nod.

"I'll show you the way," she offers, tugging at my sleeve. "That's alright; I can figure it out. You must have a lot on your plate," I say, trying to be considerate as she pulls me along, making us walk a little staggered, "Don't worry about it. I like to help out where I can," she insists, pushing her glasses up. She was beautiful; her glasses added to her charm.

I started walking like usual, so it was easy for her to come along. "Feeling nervous? Don't be. Saw your stuff online, you're terrific," she said, her cheeks getting pink. "Thanks. Keep that up, and I'll have to hug you," I replied with a smile. I've noticed people like my smile.

She didn't say much after that. "Here we are," she said with a happy look. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Huge thanks for this. Without you, I'd be late for sure," I told her with a big smile. "Oh, it's... it's no... no big deal," she stuttered, looking adorable. When she turned to leave, I hugged her and said, "Really means a lot to me." Then I nudged her in her direction, and she walked off a bit shaky, glancing back at me. I waved goodbye and went inside.

A group of people were there. Many turned to stare at me and nudged their friends to look, too. I approached the desk, and the lady glanced up, her face familiar. "Oh Nong, it's a relief to see you here. I was worried you might've decided not to come to school here after all."

"It's good to see you again, Miss Lorance," I answered with a grin. "You're still as sweet as always, Nong. Take your number, and we'll let you know when it's your turn," she replied. I nodded, took the number, and looked for a place to sit...

"Hey, there's a free spot here," said a handsome guy as I looked up. I sat down next to him. "Hi, my name's Wrath," he greeted me with a lopsided grin that was quite charming.

"Which department are you joining?" he inquired. "Musical arts," I replied.

"Nice, I'll be around there too. We'll be mixing with your group quite a bit. I'm aiming to oversee things; I want to manage idols," he explained, earning a curious look from me.

"Why's that?" I questioned. "Well, I'm into music, but playing instruments or singing isn't really my thing," he admitted. "Got it. I hope it all goes well for you," I said, and his smile returned.

"Pii Chay, Pii Chay. I'm really sorry I couldn't join you. RaOn had me working since 5 in the morning. I don't think he's too fond of me," Mong says, panting. I'm still slightly upset with him, but things are slowly improving.

"It's all right. Porsche wanted to bring me today, remember?" I remind him.

"Oh right, slipped my mind," he replies, scratching the back of his head. He looks worn out. When he's not at the bakery, he's always with me at school and wherever I go. He hardly gets any sleep.

"Go grab our number, Mong," I tell him, and he walks over to the desk. "A buddy of yours?" Wrath asks, and I nod. "We're applying together. I've got a few other friends coming too, but their interviews are on a different day," I explain.

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