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Note:🔞⚠️⚠️ This chapter has a few dark things. Twisted, you can say. There's mention of rape and emotional damage. It can be disturbing to some, making them uncomfortable.⚠️⚠️
It's not my usual writing. It's something different. I try to stay away from it. But this is a big part of who Chay is now. It will get better. I don't plan on making it a staple of the story.


As Kim gets my door, I get in the passenger side, and Watt gets Kim's. Mong hops in the back the back. My heart was racing a million miles a second. Holy shit, that was crazy for a moment.

Kim pulls away, avoiding the people. I try and take off the mask. "Not yet, my love; they are still following us," Kim says, and I look in the mirrors. 

Kim pulls out his phone and dials a number. "I have a tail. Get rid of them," he says. After a while, four cars that looked exactly like Kim's and the one Watt was driving came along to us. We pull into a garage, and gates close behind us. Kim parks, and we get out. 

Another man walks to Kim and gives him a key, and another man hands one to Watt.
Kim walked me to a different black car. "Baby, I need you to remove the hoodie and mask." I do as he tells me and hand it to him, and he gives it to a man who was never the guy who handed Kim the key.

"That belongs to RaOn," I say. "We'll get it back, I promise," Kim tells me, and I nod. He spent the back of the trunk he got the keys for, pulled out a red hoodie, and handed it to me. He pulls another red one out for himself and puts it on.

He walked to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Sorry, baby." He says and kisses me. "That was a lot more intense than I thought it would be," He says. "It's okay," I say, resting on his chest.
"Come, let's get in. Did you still want to go to the school?" He asked, and I nodded. Then he takes me to the passenger seat.

The cars we were in drive to where we entered and take turns driving separately. After 10 minutes, Kim went to it as Watt, Mong, and Art followed us. There were no cars following us. Then we head to the school. 

Once there, he hands me a regular mask as well as his. Then we walked to the teacher's office. He stayed by the door so I could talk to my teacher.

"Porschay?" My teacher says, coming up to me. "Where have you been? You were live a while ago. Had the whole school watching." 

"Sorry, Ajarn, I was on my way here but decided to have a bite to eat," I say, taking off my mask. The teacher held back his shock. "Your brother called and said that something happened to you a few days ago. Are you alright? Are you feeling better?" I nod. 

"That's good. Come sit." He says, and I do as he told me to. "I have these past few assignments for you. I'm not worried about your grades since you already got your acceptance to the Uni, but it is still good to be on top of it all. I'm glad you have already done most of your assignments. But you are behind a few. Can you get them done and return them this week? I'll give you the next few as well," I nod.

"Thank you, Ajarn. I'll get them to you as soon as possible," I say. "You are not even out of high school yet and already making a name for yourself. You must be so proud. I bet your brother is very proud." He says, and I smile.

"Once you healed, come back to school. Exams are a few weeks away. You may not need them but must pass them by law before entering Uni." I nod

"Another thing? Has WIK been tutoring you? You must be excited about that, huh? Can you get his autograph for my daughter? Also, when you were living, I got a call from her. You think she can have your autograph as well." He asked. 

I turned to Kim and waved him over. And he came. He wai "Sa watdeekhrap Ajarn." Kim says
"My teacher wants to know if he can have your autograph for his daughter. She wants mine to." Kim nods, and my teacher hands him a pin and paper. He signs, and I sign under. I have been practicing it since I started to play guitar. Kim looks over at me and smiles. 

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