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As soon as they returned home from the range, Chay went straight up to his room and flung himself onto his bed, landing on his stomach. Though his wounds still throbbed with a dull ache, the pain was at least bearable. "Tired, my love?" Kim commented as he followed Chay up. Without a moment's hesitation, Kim sprawled himself on top of Chay.

"Not as much as you, it seems," Chay responded with a chuckle, adjusting a pillow beneath his head. "How was it at the studio, babe?"

"It was fine," Kim replied. "Somchair is keeping to his word, so there wasn't much excitement today. I got a few artists lined up, and I started putting together a team for the show. We're going to be making a pilot soon." He squeezed Chay affectionately. "I've already told Wrath, so just be warned that for the next few days, maybe even weeks, we'll be filming."

Chay lay there, absorbing the information. "Is it okay for me to be a part of this? I haven't even released a new song," he asked hesitantly.

"Well baby, now that you have the time, why not start writing one?" Kim suggested softly, planting a reassuring kiss on Chay's shoulder.

"Yeah, I just might," Chay muses, pondering the intricacies of writing a song and contemplating its potential themes. As he lay there, feeling the comforting weight of Kim on his back, he let his mind drift through a myriad of ideas for a new melody. Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Chay, Khun Kim, dinner is ready," came Wrath's familiar voice. "Come in," Chay called back, momentarily taken aback. "Already?" he queried, glancing at the clock.

"Yeah, Watt prepped most of it before heading to the range, so he only had to finish a few things," Wrath explained. Chay nodded thoughtfully, gently pushing Kim to the side and off of him. Together, they got up and made their way to the kitchen, the aroma of the meal beginning to fill the air and heighten their anticipation.

After a delicious meal, Chay's energy reignited as he stretched with a full belly. "Watt, your food just gets more and more desirable every time I have a taste. Thank you for the meal," he said with a satisfied grin "Yes it was good" Kim says wrapping his arm around the back of Chay Chair. "How have the classes been treating you? Learned anything worthwhile?" Chay asked, sparking a small conversation. Watt's eyes lit up, clearly pleased to share his experiences and knowledge. He enthusiastically described the intriguing lessons he had attended and the new insights he had gained.

The difference in Watt was crazy, when they first met Watt had a dark face and it was clear he didn't want to be there but now he is different and Chay felt happy that he could give him this after the life he had, it was about time that Watt had this for himself.

"Chay," Wrath interrupted as Chay and Watt's conversation was nearing its end, "It's time for combat training, and the rest of your circle as well." Wrath's voice was firm, leaving no room for defiance, and Chay nodded in acknowledgment.

Standing up and stretching slightly, Chay turned to Watt with a grateful smile. "Thanks again, Watt. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your classes, I like this version of you, honestly when I first met you, I was scared, ha, now your as close as my friends." he said as he made his way towards his bike, eager to feel the wind against his face during his ride.

Just then, Kim approached with a warm embrace that lingered longer than usual. "I get to go with you and observe your progress again," Kim said with a glint of excitement in his eyes, "but afterward, I need to get some work done. Do you want to come to the studio with me, I want you to come to the studio with me, but if you prefer I work from home I can do that to?" Kim's voice was gentle yet encouraging, leaving Chay pondering the offer.

"You can go to the studio. I'll stay home and study a bit more," Chay said thoughtfully, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. Kim looked very much sadden "I really wanted you to come." Kim said with a pout. Chay reached to hold Kim's hand to comfort him. " I don't want to be a distraction, babe, and I think Wrath mentioned something yesterday about discussing my schedule after training."

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