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Kim chuckled as he smiled at his phone, opening the screen. "So, you let me back onto your contacts, huh?"

Chay's voice crackled with mock annoyance on the line. "Seriously," I can almost see the eye roll I was getting from Chay. "Kim, where the hell are you? Maybe I should get a different boyfriend, one that will actually stay around to support me with something this important."

Kim settled back, a playfully dark grin on his lips. "Going to look for someone to replace me, huh? I can handle a little competition. You won't like the outcome; I don't mind getting my hands a little bloody. You should know by now. But feel free to test it, My love."

There was a pause and then Chay's softer laugh. "You'd go all Kimhan on them for me? Just because I like a little variety and taste different flavors?"

"Every last one," Kim said, adding a dramatic flair. "There's no escape from me, my love. You gave that all up this morning when we showed just how much we belong together." I smirk, playing at my lips.

Chay's playful tone turned a bit bolder. "Guess I'll just have to find out just how many than 10? 50? 100? Maybe? More?"

Kim's heart skipped. "Baby, you're joking. You wouldn't do that to me, would you? Stay with me, just me, please?"

The line went quiet for a beat. When Chay spoke, he still used a harsh tone. "Kim, are you going to make me list all the things you'll miss out on? You won't be able to touch me again, ever, never to kiss me again, hug me, have sex with me, sleep with me."

Kim sighed, his voice softening. "I'm sorry, Chay. I'm joking. I'll be on my way in just a second," he reassured. "You're not going to leave me, right?"

Chay's voice was firm yet affectionate. "No, I am not leaving you, Kim. Get your ass back over here."

Kim's voice picked up with urgency. "Your wish, my command."

He swiveled around in his chair. "hurry this up. We're in a rush. I needed to be camera-ready yesterday. Chay is waiting."

I was excited to catch Chay off guard with a joint photoshoot, and I knew he would love the idea. Or Maybe I just wanted to do it? Either way, it will be just the two of us. I hadn't expected him to start searching for me quite so fast, though. Happy he finally unblocked me. I should have disappeared from his sight sooner. Maybe he would have unblocked me sooner.

Everyone in this place was forced to sign a strict NDA that went around just minutes ago—that meant I could be myself around Chay and speak how I wanted to with Chay without worrying. I can probably have sex with him in front of everyone, and they wouldn't be allowed to talk about a word about it. If anyone dared to gossip about us, the contract threatened lawsuits, but let's be honest, I'd probably kill every one of these people first.

The hair and makeup artists were fast, preparing me in record time. I hope Chay won't be too mad at me. I made a beeline back to where he was, but damn it, he was facing away. I wouldn't be able to see the surprise on his face. He missed my approach, which I hated; I wanted him to look for my return like he would have back at the beginning of our relationship. So, what's a guy to do? I snuck up behind him and leaned in close.

"You miss me?" I whispered, but he didn't turn. So I planted a soft kiss on his neck, giving him a soft bite that got him spinning around.

"Ki..." he started to say while he turned, but once Chay said my face, he stopped. " Why is your makeup done? And your hair fixed?" He shook his head. "Kim, you can't do that in public; people will talk."

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