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Note: this part had to be cut in two. I like doing both points of view. But on the plus side, you will be getting two parts today. They will both be shorter than my other parts, but I can promise it will be worth it. A few big things happen on this part.

Don't forget to hit these stars for me. They do nothing but keep me motivated.

  Love Your VampOfKnight


With Chay's panic attack still on my mind. I tried to think of something that he would love. I have been looking through my phone for something.

"Kim, I'm thirsty. Can you get me a soft drink?" Chay asked, and I went to the kitchen and got him. I came back, handing him his drink. Seeing him going throw and organize everything with Mong and Tay made me smile.

The way he looks with his haircut and that smile. He seems like a different man. He had a good chain of piercings going up both ears now. I'm unsure how I feel about it, but if it made him happy, The nose pricing is my favorite. Though it will take some time to get used to, he looks sexier than before.

His hair looks really good like this. Again, it will take time to get used to it. But I wonder how running my hand through his curls will feel.

Then, they started organizing the restroom. I couldn't be bothered with helping. Only if Chay needed my help did I help him. I prefer having someone else do it for me, but Chay likes doing things himself.

I spent my time looking at my phone for things I could do with Chay. I plan to take Chay out to eat tomorrow. I found a nice seafood place by the ocean that I think he'll enjoy. The sea is his favorite place, and he loves seafood. I want to get a beach home for him to visit if he ever wants to come back to me.

I know Kinn only gave me tonight, so I wasn't sure if taking him without would be easy. The guards will be back, so it would be a bit of a challenge for them not to recognize me and sneak Cahy out. I plan on staying here till tomorrow night cause then he will go off to the main house the day after that. I can sneak in and out of here, no problem, but I don't think Chay can.

I got notified and saw the food was here. Just in time, they were about to get done with the restroom. I went outside and waited for them to pull up. "Khun Kim." Tin and Wrath stepped out of the car and bowed. Why would I get delivery? It would have taken too long. It is faster to send out of my guards."Here is the food you wanted," Tin says.

Since they are here, I can tell them the new plan."There's been a change of plans. Since I showed up here when I wasn't supposed to, it will ruin Mong's cover in just about a day and a half. I had to call you both back here cause we have three weeks for this work. That means Wrath training will be finished here. Is that understood?" I say, waiting for their response. They both nod. "Tin, you are going to be a teacher. Let's see if that English degree is worth it. In two weeks the exams will take place. Then, a week's break. " I say

Chay will be going to my school in about four weeks. This made me nervous cause I knew he was going to hate me. But at least I will still be able to watch over him.

"Khun Kim, have you thought about what I told you?" Tin said. I nod

"He will know by me. But I want to spend as much time with him until that day comes. Did you get the other things I wanted? He nodded and opened the back door for me. There were four dozen roses and a decent-sized plushy of coconut crab, but a cute cartoon one. I have a day to give him the world.

"Take them to one of the other rooms. I have furniture coming. I'll give them to Chay later. Did you get the other thing?" I asked. Tin went to the front seat. Returned to me, handing me a bag. I reached for the box inside and opened it. I looked at the two watches and smiled. I don't want this to be the last gift I can give him. I closed it and placed it back in the bag. "Take this too," I say. "Wait until you see us in the kitchen, and try not to make any noise."

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