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Hearing Chay's even breaths while he sat on my lap during the meeting filled me with a deep sense of joy. I hadn't expected that Chay would come if I didn't return home. It's not that I didn't want to go home; this meeting just seemed to stretch endlessly without making any progress. The lack of promising idols was becoming a significant challenge, and those who had given it a shot were falling short in every department. To make matters worse, the efforts of other studios and the quality of our advertising felt like they were steadily declining.

"Khun WIK, This may be a stretch but maybe, you should put out a series? Given an opportunity the other idols or actresses. You can even star in it. I am pretty sure that it would be a huge hit. we can make it a BL a lot of people even international fans have been eating them up," One of the people in the room said. At the sound, he felt Chay's body tense up. "I will not star in a show where I have to be a couple with someone else and how dare you suggest that in front of my boyfriend," Kim says anger in his voice.

"I'm sure your boyfriend would understand that work is just work. Besides, knowing that you're gay, I don't see any problem with you partnering with another man," the person said. Kim could practically feel the tension radiating off Chay's body. "I said I won't," Kim repeated firmly.

"Why not? You've got that new artist—what was his name, Porschay? It would boost his followers as well as your profile. I'm certain your boyfriend wouldn't mind the additional income either, and think of all the idols who will be attending the show," the person said.

Chay shot up suddenly and turned toward the person speaking. At first, I thought he was going to be furious, but then I wanted to laugh because he was indeed Porschay, the very person they were talking about. I could tell the guards were also struggling to stifle their laughter. "You wouldn't mind, right, Kim's boyfriend?" the person said in a tone designed to wound Chay. Chay sat there silently, his expression calm. "First of all, do not refer to my partner as if he's some gold-digging whore," he stated firmly. "If you disrespect him again, I will ensure you are removed from this room before you even have a chance to blink. Good luck trying to secure a deal after I blacklist you."

"I didn't mean... I'm sorry, Khun Kim, and to you as well, Khun Kim's partner. I'll be more careful with my words from now on." The person's face was taut with anger, tense with suppressed emotion, yet she managed to keep her composure, her voice steady despite the storm brewing within her. Meanwhile, Kim observed silently, his eyes flickering with restrained amusement. 'Even so,' he mused, 'I doubt Chay is going to hold back. That's something I admire about him; when it comes to me, he will defend his rightful spot without hesitation.' Kim found it challenging to suppress a smirk as the thought warmed his heart.

"WIK, I think she's upset because she never had a chance with you. From the look in her eye, it seems like she still believes she can win you over. She's trying to elicit a reaction from me, making it seem like I'm desperate to keep you," Chay spoke with an unprecedented sassiness that took me by surprise. The guards accompanying Chay were struggling to suppress their laughter, and I too found it hard to contain my amusement. It was charming, and I knew Chay was just playing with her. He was likely right—she probably still believed she had a shot with me.

Not to be outdone, Kim decides to go along with the conversation. "Baby," he begins, a hint of indignation in his voice, "why would I even consider going after someone who radiates such desperation? It's not like you were the one to chase after me. It was me who desperately pursued you," Kim says, his breath catching slightly as he takes in the faces around the room.

"Wait, you went after him?" another person interjects, eyebrows raised in surprise. "That's unexpected. But congratulations on finding each other," they add, a sincere smile forming on their lips. However, the lady in question remains in utter disbelief, her eyes wide with shock.

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