The planning of my story

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Hey lovelies,

This story is once again a fanfic from the show, not the book of KinnPorsche. The main character is Chay. He is my favorite character, so sue me if you are tired of it and don't want to read another one with him in it. This time it's more clean. Everyone liked a steamy scene, but I started writing to carry out what I think would have happened to Kim and Chay during and after Kinnporsche. The right belongs to the person who wrote Kinnporsche. I'll try and mark them out. I added some of my bits and pieces of my own in between the scenes. I want the story to flow better without any vast gaps.

This story first takes place during the show. From Kim and Chay's point of view. What I think the show would be like if it were called KimChay and not KinnPorsche?

I want to keep this story as fluffy as possible. Of course, it won't be just fluff. There has to be a bit of drama, maybe some action. I will probably add parts from my first story, "What's More Chay," but not so similar, more of the thought behind them.

I will try not to add another love interest, but once I start writing, things happen. New people are possible, but not to get in between Kim and Chay. My focus will be strictly on Kim and Chay.

I love writing. It's fun, and I am working on a book that is not fan fiction. Hopefully, I get as much support on that as my fanfics.

As always, feel free to comment on what you like and dislike. I will work hard to satisfy everyone as best as I can.

I know leaving stars doesn't help my stories, but it keeps me motivated. So please leave one for me.

Love always,
Your VampOfKnight.

Ps. The first part of the story will be out right after this.

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