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| Chapter Two — Hi again |

"I feel like we've had a thousand weddings in the span of the past 2 years." Minghao chuckles, closing the door to their shared bedroom and staring at Mingyu with fond eyes.

"Right?" Mingyu chuckles, "My next bet's on Junhui and Wonwoo."

"Makes sense." The two had been clinging to one another ever since Soonyoung and Jihoon's wedding. They announced their official relationship a week after the ceremony.

"Dada." It's Chaein. She scratches at Minghao's leg and tangles up next to him like a grape vine.

It's the sweetest thing in the world.

"Ahh, I didn't even see you slip in here, my little princess." Minghao coos, picking up his daughter and resting her on his hip. He plays with the bows wrapped around her curly pigtails, "Where's your brother at, baby?"

"Mama." Chaein drags out, chewing on the diamond on her little necklace, slobber rolling past her chin, "With Mama." Umji was still at the wedding reception, or what was left of it.

She was drunk off her ass when they left, just about passed out— so this was odd.

"Umji-yah?" Mingyu hums, walking over and booping Chaein's nose to hide his worry, "Why'd you leave, sweetheart?"


Both Minghao and Mingyu feel a cold wave of dread spreads throughout their bodies, "Afraid?" Minghao repeats, "Why're you afraid, baby? Did Mama do something?"

Chaein shakes her head, continuing to chew on her necklace with pouted lips.

Mingyu pulls it away from her mouth to get her to tell them more, "Why're you scared, ChaeChae?"


Minghao looks at Mingyu, brows furrowed, "What?" He asks his daughter, "Jungwonie? What did Jungwonie do?" Chaein had a tendency of calling Jungwon sunbae. He was the only one that she ever called him that.

Just like Eunchae with Riki.

When Chaein doesn't respond, Minghao frowns, readjusting her so she's more comfortable in his arms, "What did sunbae do?"

"Looked scary."


"Mad." Chaein adds, beginning to play with her necklace again, "Am I in trouble?"

"What? No." Minghao frowns, "You didn't do anything, baby."

"But, Sunbae... mad."

Minghao meets Mingyu's eyes, squeezing Chaein tighter in concern.

What could Jungwon possibly have done?

He was just a sweet little boy who loved everyone with all his heart, even having a special connection with both their kids. He loved them, and was loved by them in return.

So why was he being accused of being scary all of a sudden?

Minghao and Mingyu want to tell themselves it's because Chaein's a child, that she has a wild imagination and still has so much to learn... but there's a feeling.

There's a feeling in the back of their minds all the time that tells them their children would never lie, that they're incapable of it, mostly because it was what Mingyu and Minghao both hated doing more than anything.

And after all, children were smarter than most adults.

Chaein wasn't lying.

"Sunbae was scary? Hmm, baby?" Minghao asks her again, just to be sure, only receiving the same answer in return.

"Scary." Chaein repeats.

This was a problem.

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now