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| Chapter Forty - Eight — Did I do something? |
| 📍Seoul, Gyeonggi |

The station looks weird.

The moon shines down on the logo Minghao doesn't remember being blue, reflects off the metal of the now silver handles so eye piercing, newly placed on the doors.

Minghao doesn't recall flowers being planted by the entrance, doesn't remember there being a huge desk with what looked like a secretary in the entryway of the building as he stands before them like he's never seen another human being before, having pushed his way past the strange handles.

"Hi, sir. How may I help you?" One of the officers says, leaning closer with a bright smile on her face.

She doesn't recognize him. Minghao doesn't recognize her.

So, he doesn't respond, just lets his feet take him to his desk.


He ignores her calls, speed walking across the building.

A pause.

"What are you doing?" Minghao blurts out before he can stop himself, watching in confusion how a stranger lifts their head, mirroring his expression.

"Excuse me?"

"You're sitting at my desk." Minghao says, feeling his head swarm like he'd been hit a million times, "That's my desk."

"I think you're confused, sir." The guy laughs, tapping the nameplate on the surface of Minghao's desk, "This has been my spot for the past 4 years."

Minghao blinks, shaking his head.

He laughs, placing his hands on his hips, "Where's Junhui? Is this some stupid joke of his?" He stares at the empty spot next to his desk, not seeing an additional one, "What happened to his space? Did he relocate? Why did nobody tell me about it?"

The guy stares at him like he's insane, "Sir, you're mistaken. There hasn't been a desk here since I joined the force. And if there was, it must've been moved—"

"What?" Minghao laughs, gesturing to the big space, "That's where Junhui sits, I...." He pauses, "I don't understand... Why would you move him? He's my partner."

The officer presses a button that Minghao doesn't catch, clearing his throat and rising to his feet, "Are you feeling okay, sir?" He asks, holding out a hand.

"No." Minghao whines, "No, I'm not okay! You're in my spot! I was just here yesterday, I don't understand!" He tugs at his hair, hissing at the tenderness in his skull, "Have.... Have I been fired?"

There's footsteps coming up behind Minghao, one hand looping around his arm, "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to—"

"Let go of me!" Minghao pushes the officer away, freaking out, "What happened?! Everything was fine! What did I do?" He panics, "Where's Soonyoung? Where's—"

"Soonyoung?" There's a 3rd officer, walking over wearily, "That rings a bell.... He was in the 3A unit, wasn't he?"

"Yes! Yes, thank you—"

"But he hasn't been back in forever." The woman says, staring at Minghao intently, "He disappeared 4 years ago. I joined just months after he went missing."

"What?" Minghao chokes, "That.... That doesn't make sense... He was here yesterday! We were piecing together the wine killer over there by the projector—" Minghao stares in that spot, seeing only a dry erase board now, "W-Wait, where's the proje—"

"I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me, sir." The officer who gripped his arm takes him again, hesitant but firm.

"No!" Minghao pushes him away a second time, heaving.

His head hurts.

"Sir," Another round of footsteps echo through the station. Minghao knows it's the chief by the golden flare of the badge on her uniform.

But it's weird, Minghao has never seen her in the years he's worked here. 

"Please cooperate. Laying your hands on an officer is a punishable—"


It's like the entire station had suddenly stopped talking...... or maybe Minghao had just gone deaf.

But he watches how the chief freezes, gulping and sliding her hand down her body to grip the handle of her gun.

Minghao parts his lips, taking a step back and holding up his hands by his chest, "What are you doing?"

Then, it all feels like a blur.

Minghao drowns out the words that are uttered next, doesn't catch the shouting of the multiple officers telling him to drop to his knees. He feels like a target.

All he sees are specific pictures now, push pinned to the wall for all to see.

Minghao's forcefully pushed down, the cold feeling of handcuffs wrapping around his wrists eerily unsettling.

All he can stare at are the pictures.

All he can stare at are the pictures

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