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"It's beautiful." Minghao stares at their new house stood proudly before them, Chaein jumping happily next to him, the little princess crown crooked on her head because of her excitement and it's so adorable.

"We did good, huh?" Mingyu laughs, slipping his construction hat off before picking Riki Junior up, smiling at his son's giggles.

"Yeah, babe. Wow, it's so amazing."

"We better have done good." Seungcheol walks over, "I think I pulled at least 50 muscles in my shoulder."

"Aren't there just 8 muscles in shoulders?" Riki tosses his own construction hat down, staring up at the house.

"Shut up know it all."

Riki sticks out his tongue like a child, flipping Seungcheol off like even more of a kid and Minghao still loves that so much about him, "How's the ring hunt going?" He asks Riki, grinning as soon as the boy's eyes light up at the question.

"I found this ruby one that I think Chae would really like, but the outer edge is gold. She told me silver's her favorite." Riki huffs, "I wanna marry her so bad but she's literally the pickiest person I've ever met. Save me."

Mingyu chuckles, "You'll be fine kid. Hao here didn't even care 'bout the ring." Mingyu leans over, kissing Minghao suddenly, "He just wanted me so bad—"

"There are still children present by the way!" Joshua screams from afar, helping Jeonghan drill one last screw into one of the porch planks. Riki Junior and Chaein giggle.

"Yah! Look at my loose tooth!" Qian had run over, Minghao and Mingyu laughing when Riki cringes watching the kid blow back and forth, tooth wiggling.

Riki and Eunchae had taken him in, caring for him like their own.

It was so beautiful.

As for Jungwon and Jay.... They decided to travel.

Last time Minghao checked the mail, they'd received a postcard from Iceland. That couple was really having the time of their lives. And well deserved.

Jimin and Jungkook kind of took the same route.

They're in Germany now, in the midst of taking over Jihyo's old academy. It's not a gang hideout anymore, Jimin sent a letter stating that they wanted to turn it into a little cafe. Minghao thinks it's so adorable.

And finally, Seunghan and Joshua reconciled. Minghao sat them both down to briefly explain to Joshua what had happened with the younger, soon leaving them alone to have a long awaited conversation.

And now, Joshua facetimes his brother everyday, looking in on the boy's college process.

Seunghan wanted to be an officer.

"Hey, let's go play! Yeah?" Riki drags the twins and Qian away, dancing and laughing so goofily and it's so cute to see.

Eventually, everybody stumbles inside—

—And it's so beautiful.

Japan is such a beautiful place. The view from the back porch is even more gorgeous than the front. They have this little pond in the back, and Minghao giggles when a line of little ducklings trail behind their mother to go for a little swim inside.

"You've held her like 9 times today, it's my turn!" Shotaro whines from behind Minghao, chasing somebody.

"She's my baby, you weirdo! Make your own!" Chaewon groans.

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now