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| Chapter Forty - Six — Not good |

The door closes, "It's happening again." The blonde says, sighing, "It doesn't stop, Jungkook. It's not getting better."

"What are we supposed to do, Jimin?" Jungkook scratches his head.

"I don't know. Neither of us have a degree in biomedical science. All we did was stop the bleeding and force him to rest. Something could have seriously messed with his frontal lobe... or even his back one."

"Do you know any doctors?"

"Not any who won't arrest as us soon as they take a look at our records, nevermind our own faces." Jimin chuckles, "I murdered my entire family and then disappeared. My face was on the wanted list for years."

"I don't know what to do." Jungkook runs a hand through his hair in frustration, "We've already kept him this long. We can't just send him back when there's a possibility he might not even know anybody."

"He knows us though." Ever since Jimin and Jungkook had introduced themselves after Minghao awoke, he'd managed to remember them. That was the little hope they were able to hang onto.

"You don't know for how long." Jungkook continued, "He could tip at any moment. We need to get him professional help."

"How? We're wanted suspects everywhere. We're only in Korea right now because we didn't have any other place to settle down." They didn't want to go back to the former Amaranth hideout, didn't want to remember where they came from and who they trusted.

"Where is he now?"

"Resting in his room."

Jungkook gulps, "Are you sure?"

Jimin furrows his brows, jutting a thumb towards the door, "I just checked on him like 10 minutes ago. I told him to get some rest, and he agreed."

A pause. Jungkook parts his lips, "How do you know he remembered you said that?"

Jimin freezes, a cold rack of chills running down his body and it's sickening, "Oh, Jesus Christ." And the blonde's turning on his heel, bolting down the hallway with Jungkook trailing behind him.

And you guessed it...

They find nothing but an empty bed.

The bed lamp is turned on, as if Minghao had switched it on to be able to see, and Jimin and Jungkook can only guess by the open window, he might've escaped.

Jimin leans out the window, eyes wandering everywhere, "F-Fuck."

"I'll check outside." Jungkook's already running out of the room.

Jimin can't scream Minghao's name, can't with the clueless neighbors next to them. He can't risk diving deeper into the shithole they're all already in. He couldn't.

Jimin breathes heavily, quite literally shaking as he takes a step back, looking around the room in wonder.

He finds the glass of water he gave Minghao, untouched of course... as well as crumpled up pillows and sheets. Jimin can only guess the boy struggled to get some sleep.

Finally, there's a notebook.

It's sitting near one of the pillows, seeming as if it's been purposely pushed underneath it. Jimin jumps on the bed, retrieving it without hesitation.

He flips through the empty pages, wondering, hoping—

He merely finds scribbles. Little drawings of roses and cherries.

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now