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| Chapter Sixty - Four — to hold & to have & to feel |

Wonbin's still trying. He won't stop.

His tears hit Chaewon's cheeks as he hovers over her, dark hair fanning in front of his own face as he forces her to cling into life. He shakes as he tries to hold in his cries, Chaewon's body jolting with each compression and it's genuinely the most heartbreaking this Wonbin thinks he's ever done to someone.

This goes on for quite some time.

But eventually, he finds that he hates the way he's slowly giving up, hates the way his hands shake so much to the point where he can't even continue.

Wonbin moves away in defeat, back against the headboard as he slumps down right next to her. He can hear all the commotion and screaming and gunfire outside but all he can focus on is how his entire world just ended in the span of minutes.

He just stares ahead now, nose clogged, hands stained red. He trails his eyes down Chaewon's body, gaze falling upon her abdomen and it's so terrible because that's where the darkest red lies and spreads.

Wonbin reaches out, placing his hand on her stomach. He has to look away, has to bite his lip so he doesn't give away their hiding spot with how hard this sudden sob wants to rip right through him.

"I'm sorry." Wonbin whispers, salty emotions rolling past his lips, "I'm so sorry I left you here with her."

Chaewon just lies there, arms by her sides, lashes feathering along her cheekbones and even with how scary this situation is, she still manages to look as beautiful as ever.

Wonbin sniffles, pulling her into his arms closely. He closes his eyes, holding her like she's the most breakable porcelain, cradling her head like it's the Sun's favorite star.

"I love you." Wonbin kisses her head, squeezing her tighter, "I love you both."

Minghao's groggy when he opens his eyes.

He shivers at the chill, the sound of laughter and muffled conversations invading his ears. He thinks he hears gunfire too but he doesn't know if it's just his imagination or if he's really just gone full on nuts.

What the hell.

He would've fallen out of the seat he's in if it hadn't been for the restraints holding him down, arms looped around the backside of chair, cold and cramped.

"Ahh, he's up." There's a voice.

It's shrill. It's too shrill.

Minghao blinks his eyes harder, trying to clear up the blurriness.

"Welcome back, Xu." It's that guy again. Minghao remembers him as Seunghan. Joshua's brother. And god, he's still not used to that, "You were out for quite a while."

"Did I hit you too hard, young man?" Mr.Kim's voice comes from behind him, a wrinkled hand gripping his shoulder before peeling the tape off his mouth agonizingly slow.

Minghao flinches away in disgust, "Who are you people?" He shakes continuously, "You break me out of that awful place telling me you're good.... and then you drag me down the parking lot with a rag over my mouth. And now this? What comes next?"

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now