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| Chapter Fifty - Three — dot dot dot |

Silence engulfed the hideout.

It's like the walls were speaking although they had nothing to say, the wallpaper melting off the drywall in desperate tears, looking for some sort of answer or relief.

"—And that's why we need your help."

As soon as this blonde man who they all know by now was named Jimin, finishes his little rant, it's been bone chillingly quiet.

Mingyu's cheeks are flushed, face solid because the shock is burning him alive.

Was this a joke? A little sick surprise? Was Amaranth not done fucking with them yet? Were they that horrific?

"How are you alive?" Jihyo speaks up because Mingyu can't, "Both of you. I thought we took all you fucks out."

Jungkook takes Jimin's hand, "We got out just in time. We never wanted any part of that gang. And if... if it means anything, we want to just take the time to apol—"

"We don't want your disgusting apology." Junhui spits, Soonyoung and Wonwoo having to hold him back when he tries to lunge at the former Amaranth members, "You're disgusting and sick beings that don't deserve to be called human! Get out!" He shouts.

"Hyung," Wonwoo pleads.

It just goes ignored, "You take part in killing 2 of our main members alongside the hundred others, and now you have the audacity to waltz back in here and spew nothing but nauseating lies about our best friend! Just let him rest! It's the least you could do!"

"He's not dead!" Jimin yells back, pleading, begging for them to listen, "I know we've both fucked up, but your little Minghao is alive! I promise!"

"Bullshit!" Soonyoung's pissed now, letting go of Junhui and grabbing Jimin by the collar, trying to shrug off Jihoon and Joshua's attempts to pull him away. Soonyoung just shakes Jimin harshly, "We saw that truck run right into him! It burst into flames! You're a sick motherfucker for coming here and—"

"Yah!" Jungkook pushes at Soonyoung's chest, watching him stumble back in surprise, "We're telling the truth! If we really wanted you to suffer, we wouldn't have told you at all! We could've stayed in Korea for fucks sake! Just listen, goddamn it!"

"Stop!" Mingyu slams a hand to the dresser, biting on a pair of his free knuckles to block the bile from rising up his throat, "Shut the fuck up immediately."

It instantly quiets down.

Apart from the heavy breathing of the verbal and near physical fight, only the silence echoed through the room.

Mingyu grits his jaw, staring at Jimin and Jungkook so intently it almost makes the both of them cower back in fear, the man's stare cold and warning.

"Explain." He says, not blinking, "Do not leave a single fucking detail out, and we might just spare you, do you both fucking hear me? I want the truth. Understand?"

Jimin eyes Jungkook before gulping, both of them mirroring a nod of their heads.

Soonyoung and Junhui are still breathing heavily, Soonyoung taking deep breaths to calm himself while Junhui walks back and forth with his nails between his teeth.

"Is he really alive?" Riki asks, voice soft in hope. Eunchae clutches his arm.

"Yes." Jimin assures, truthful, "H-He's just in a bit of trouble with the law. We'll explain everything. Everything from before the fight and up until now. I promise. There's so much we need to tell you—"

"Then fucking spit it out." Seungkwan snarls, earning wide eyes from some of the members, as he hadn't openly looked this mad since he killed his first victim since joining this dangerous side of his life.

He'd been bottling it all up inside. Everyone had, it seemed.

Jimin nods at Seungkwan's demand, looking at Jungkook wearily.

Here goes nothing.


i'm apologizing in advance for the series finale 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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