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| Chapter Sixty - Two — Not so Nice |

It feels like a thousand years until the foggy midst of their home comes out. They can see it from their windows, can see the destination the hundreds of cars that had disappeared way too long ago.

"Let me get off, let me get off—" Wonbin pounds at the door.

"Yah! We haven't even landed!" Mingyu tugs him back by the shirt, "Hold him back." He tells Shotaro, the boy listening to the order and holding his friend close, hissing when Wonbin's scrapes his arms as he attempts a million times to escape.

"I don't think I can land anywhere." Soonyoung says, gulping. He looks in every direction, headphones secure on his head as his voice rings through Mingyu's little earpiece, "They've taken up the landing spot."

"Try over there." Mingyu points to an empty spot next to the forest, Soonyoung nodding and flying in that direction.

When they get close enough to the ground, "What is that?" Riki asks, eyes widened as he looks out the window.

"What?" Mingyu stumbles over, doing just the same.

"There's nobody in any of the cars." Joshua says because Riki can't, too caught up in the sudden fear of the situation, "From what my eyes can reach."

"Fuck." Jay curses, jaw clenching so hard it surprising when it doesn't snap off, "Fuck, fuck, fuck—"

The jet lands smoothly, Soonyoung unhatching the doors almost immediately.

That's when Wonbin finally breaks free, pushing past everybody to sprint down the staircase. He ignores everybody calling out for him, disappearing between each and every car before he's finally out of sight.

"Jesus Christ— Go after him!" Seungcheol groans, staying back to make sure everyone gets out safely before finally leaving himself. He looks up at Mingyu from the concrete, clocking his gun, getting ready, "You coming?"

"Yeah." Mingyu nods, looking at Soonyoung, "Okay, let's go." And then he's jumping off the jet, biting one of his knives to hold it steady as he slips out his own weapon, knuckles cracking as clocks it.

But when Mingyu hears nothing behind him, he turns around.

Soonyoung's still in the pilot's seat, staring at something behind Mingyu.

Mingyu furrows his brows, concerned, "Soonyoung—"

"Move carefully." Soonyoung says steadily, "And quietly."

Mingyu listens, slowly turning his head around to look at whatever he's looking at. Seungcheol's already gone, so Mingyu is forced to meet the problem alone.

There's at least 100 people on top of the roof, looking around the area for a jet that they never saw land. They had stations of weapons, even a super large one that Mingyu knows could blow up the entire hideout if it wanted to. They walked back and forth, searching.

Mingyu looks back at the older, "Soonyoung, lets go."

Soonyoung just stares, biting his lip like he's thinking about something.

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