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| Chapter Fourteen — Hatch it |

"I'm Jungwon."

Riki tilted his head, laughing after a moment or 2 and welcoming Jungwon to Cerise with a scratch to the top of his head, "Yes! Finally! Somebody close to my age!" It seems that was the only thing he caught, "God, we're gonna be such good friends."

Jungwon chuckled, "Really? You're the youngest one here?"

"Of course! Well— Minus Eunchae." Riki blows her off, rolling his eyes, "I can't stand her though. So as of today, just pretend she doesn't exist, alright?"

Jungwon blinks, "Uh, okay."

"Great. You're already blending in here. That's cool." Riki starts walking away, "Follow me. I'll show you to your room. Hao hyung's a bit busy right now."

(This was around the time Minghao had first officially joined Cerise, with the help of Seokmin of course, and a shit ton of stitches that hurt like a bitch to sew in.)

"You'll do great here." Riki smiled, tossing Jungwon his key, "I promise."

"You think so?" Jungwon looks around awkwardly, "You're really the only person I've talked to so far."

Riki seems taken aback at that, hesitant in letting out the following sigh, "Okay, fine."


"Go talk to Eunchae," Riki shrugs, "It's okay. She might be infuriating to me, but she's beyond sweet to others." He shrugs, "Who knows? You might become closer."

Jungwon lets a smile paint his face, "I'd like it if I were friends with both of you." He hopes it's not too much to ask, "I mean, if you 2 are the only ones around my age, that'd definitely be the most comfortable for me."

That grin returns to Riki's face, "That sounds great." He laughs, opening Jungwon's door and motioning for him to go inside, "Go ahead and unpack. I'll see you for dinner?"

"Okay." Jungwon agrees, bowing slightly, "Thank you, Riki-yah."

"Of course."

Jungwon stares at himself in the mirror, eyes dead in their stare, gaze solid as he thinks his life away.

He plays with his hair, trying to tame it to frame his face, all whilst never letting the hard look on his face go.

He can't lose his emotions tonight.

He has to do anything but cave in.

But knowing where Amaranth was heading tonight....

Jungwon almost forgot. He had promised Minnie that since this gang was helping him with his revenge, he would help him with their's. And it's exactly what they needed, a person who knows Carmine's hideout from the inside just as good as the outside.

They were raiding them tonight. Ambushing.

Jungwon doesn't care, or at least he thinks he's doesn't. He wants to forget who he cares for there, wants to act like he doesn't mind if they get hurt tonight.

There were kids there.

But each time he caves, he tries to remember that they all just didn't care about him.

He constantly reminds himself that they don't matter and didn't bother to love him anyways. The fact that they never asked about how he was over the past years, or the fact that they just didn't care at all— He makes himself remember it constantly.

Jungwon takes a step back from the mirror with a deep breath.


Revenge. Revenge. Revenge.

That's all this was.

There's a knock at his door then.

Minnie enters before he responds, "You ready?" She smirks, "We're leaving in 5."

Jungwon turns his head, "Yeah..."

Minnie frowns, having taken notice in his state. She walks over with a soft sigh, taking a seat on his bed and leaning over to him, "Just try to remember."

"Remember what?" Jungwon asks.

"How bad they were to you." Minnie ruffles his hair, giving him a small smile, "That's what makes my adrenaline run."

"What? Just remembering?"

"No," Minnie shakes her head, "Anger."

Jungwon swallows, looking at her, "Yeah?" And he feels it seep back into his veins at the mere mention of the emotion, closing his eyes to contain that tingling in his chest.

"Definitely." Minnie grins sadistically, "Use that anger as fuel."

Jungwon nods, already feeling it.

"You ready?" Minnie holds out a hand.

Jungwon takes it without remorse, rage flowing throughout his body once again.

"Let's go."

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now