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| Fifty - One — Wrongfully |

Sunoo wonders constantly if it was wrong to kill Heeseung.

He feels the regret swarming around the satisfaction of actually killing the man... like deep down he was truly guilty.

He just doesn't know how to feel.

It's like his world caved in as soon as he sunk the knife into the older's chest, forced to watch the life leave his eyes and it's been haunting Sunoo for weeks.

He lied. Carmine and the others have no idea who he really is, no idea that he used to be on the side of people who had Minghao blow up in flames. He was just trying his best to distract Heeseung, to walk around under his possessive glare and sigh in relief at every Amaranth member he killed along the way.

So, Sunoo wonders.

He wonders if he were wrong, because in the end, Heeseung had helped him.

Sunoo's in the kitchen now, brewing coffee because there's nothing else to do.

He flinches when the sound of someone's feet dragging themselves into the kitchen rings through his ears, Chaewon opening the fridge hurriedly.

Sunoo furrows his brows, "You alright?" He asks, taking the pot and pouring the hot coffee in his mug.

Chaewon's hum is high pitched, "Just peachy." She responds, taking a string cheese package Sunoo didn't even know they had out of the fridge, unwrapping it quickly and taking a bite of out it. It makes him cringe.

"Yah..." Sunoo drags out, "You're supposed to peel it."

"I don't give a fuck." Chaewon wipes at the sudden tears falling down her face.

"Oh—" Sunoo's eyes fly wide, "What's wrong?" He asks hurriedly, setting his coffee down and walking over to her, "Wait, I'm sorry. I was just kidding about the cheese." He wasn't. You're supposed to peel it.

Chaewon shakes her head, popping the last bit of it in her mouth, "'S nothing." She sighs, tucking her hair behind her ear as she kicks the fridge door shut, "Do we have any rice cakes?" She begins looking through the cabinets, "Or like hearts of palm? Anything similar? Something squishy like that?"

"What the hell is hearts of palm?"

"It's like the inside of a palm tree but pickled inside a can, I've tried it before and now I really want it." Chaewon whines when she finds everything but what she wants, "I want it so bad, fuckkkkk."

"Does Japan even have—"

"They do... but I don't wanna get all disguised to hide my identity and risk getting caught at the grocery store when I can just stay here and do nothing." Chaewon leans against the counter, a deep frown on her face, "But I want it so fucking bad."

Sunoo blinks, smacking his lips, "Okay, tell me what's going on."

Chaewon swallows, "Nothing." She shakes her head and wipes at her pants, mood completely switching, "Nothing's going on. I just wanted that food, I told you."

Sunoo grabs his coffee, bringing the mug to his lips, the steam thick, "Are you pregnant?" It's so abrupt and blunt it makes Chaewon cough on her gasp.

"What?!" Chaewon shrieks, "Why would you ask that?!"

"You're not fooling anybody, Noona." Sunoo chuckles, staying completely cool because he knows that if Chaewon really is, than stress wouldn't be the best for her, "It's okay. I'll stay quiet."

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now