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| Chapter Fifty - Six — So safe |

They tell them everything.

Jimin and Jungkook sit down and tell them everything. From the start all the way up until now.

It's agonizing, the fact that it doesn't feel real.

Mingyu's so confused, sunk deep into his chair. He glares at these two strangers intensely, taking in every single detail, sucking them deep inside as if he were just waiting for himself to explode from it all.

"Liars." Soonyoung and Junhui keep muttering the same exact things over and over. It fries everyone's brains, "He can't be alive, you have to be lying. We watched that car blow up into hundreds of pieces!" Soonyoung huffs, gripping at his hair.

"We're telling you! He's really alive!" Jungkook insists.

"How can we trust you?!"

"We had this conversation already!" Jimin cuts in, slamming a hand to the table, "We wouldn't have come here for some silly lie! We're telling you the truth!"

"We just want to help!" Jungkook adds.

"Mingyu-yah, tell them they're lying." Junhui squeezes his shoulder, "Tell them to get out because there's no way in hell someone would survive something like that."

Mingyu just stares at Jungkook and Jimin, taking his lip between his teeth to refrain from breaking out into what could be labeled as the biggest sob of his life. So many emotions are piling up in that head of his and he feels like he's about to explode from the pressure.

"Mingyu-yah." Joshua gasps, eyes widening.

"We have to go." Mingyu says, looking up at Joshua. His tears sparkle along his waterline, "Shua, we have to go. I believe them."

"What?" Soonyoung's jaw drops, "You can't just give in that easily! There might be leftover Amaranth members and this could be their plan to draw us back—"

"After what we've been through with them, do they seem that dumb to you?!" Mingyu snaps back, wiping at his eyes. He fucking hates this, despises how weak he's gotten over these past few weeks.

"He's right." Riki says.

"You, too?!" Junhui scoffs. The younger merely nods in return.

"This could be a death trap, yeah. But I believe them too." Seungcheol states, hugging Jeonghan from behind because he frankly looks terrified at the thought of another war, "If he's really down at the station, that's fine. A station full of officers isn't a bad fight."

"Did you forget when S.W.A.T. showed up back then?" Jihoon flicks the man's head.

Seungcheol flicks him back, "It's nothing we couldn't handle. Everybody got out of there alive." He shrugs, glancing at Jimin and Jungkook, "I believe them, too."

"Jesus Christ." Soonyoung puts his hands on his hips, walking around.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you're not lying." Mingyu clenches his jaw, glaring at Jimin and Jungkook so hard it practically has them cowering back in fear, "Look at me and tell me without a single stutter that he's alive and okay. Fucking look at me."

Jimin takes Jungkook's hand under the table, squeezing it like it's his personal charger, "We are telling the truth."

"Xu Minghao is alive." Jungkook follows.

Mingyu stares at them for a moment longer before finally tearing his eyes away, both Jimin and Jungkook letting out breaths they didn't realize they had been holding in.

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