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| Chapter Sixty - Three — you. |

"Fuck." Mingyu curses in a whisper as he watches his team disappear around the corner, pressing his back to the wall.

He can hear the jet outside, can hear the many gunshots Soonyoung's fighting back with and he's scared.

He's so scared for that boy but there's absolutely nothing he can do.

And he's scared for his kids. He'd been here for a hot minute, glued to the wall around the corner, hearing Yuqi announce that the kids were safe somewhere.

But the problem was that Mingyu had no idea where that was.

She could be lying.

She hurt Chaewon, maybe even killed her. So why wouldn't she go as far as to hurt the children too?

Mingyu hates her. He hates her so fucking much that the rage bubbling up in his chest makes him go to charge at them.

But... he stops almost immediately, gasping under his breath and slipping back into his hiding spot when he sees someone he knows all too well.

His skin turns as white as the Moon, eyes so wide they mimic it as well.

His father...

Mingyu's legs threaten to give out, and he has to grip onto the wall for support.

"They've got eyes in the sky." Mingyu's breath gets caught in his lungs when the raspiness of his father's voice echos through his ears, almost burning them.

"It's Soonyoung, isn't it?"

"Has to be." A laugh, "My son never knew how to fly properly."

Mingyu swallows, closing his eyes in hopes to wake up from this fucking nightmare because there's no way this shit could be real. He had to be dreaming.

Nonetheless, he pulls himself together.

Because even if this was all a dream— No... some sick, twisted nightmare... He'd win all over again.

Even if he has to kill this fucker again, he'd do it. And then he'd do it another hundred times.

Mingyu grits his jaw, fingers wrapped around the handle of his gun. He presses himself further into the wall, practically melting into it. He listens to the rest of the conversation, sneakily peeking his head back around.

And he has to scramble to hold his weapon properly as soon as his eyes lay upon Minghao. Mingyu almost drops his gun, cringes when it's inches away from slamming into the cold concrete.


He's really alive.

He really is.

"We have the bait they want. There's no way they can attack." Mingyu shakes his head at Yuqi's words, trying to rid of the sight of his husband's duct taped mouth and confined wrists. It's horrible.

"What do we do about the jet, then?"

Yuqi grins, "We'll get to that soon enough."

Mingyu closes his eyes, leg bouncing up and down nervously.

And then, he takes off, bolting in the other direction as quickly as he can, "They're onto you, man."

"Yeah, I sorta got that." Soonyoung laughs into the speaker, the shrill of gunshots bouncing off the shells of Mingyu's ears, "Don't worry 'bout me. I'll be fine. These assholes suck at their job. Their aim is ass."

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now