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| Chapter Six — Willy Wonki |

"I don't like you."

"What?" Jungwon chuckles, "Out of the blue?" When Riki tsks timidly, Jungwon continues, "Why?"

"You're too—" Riki tries to find words, "Nothing, nevermind."

Jungwon laughs, "Tell me." He nudges the younger's shoulder. And after a little chapter of silence— "Is this about Eunchae?"

Riki's eyes fly wide, "What? No!" He denies, "I just— No! Why would I ask about her? We're just friends."

"I never said you weren't." Jungwon hums.

Riki huffs, plopping down on the couch, "This is why I don't like you."

"Hey," Jungwon takes a seat next to him, face giddy, "Eunchae and I are close, yeah... But trust me, I don't like her like that." He tells him, "She's more of a sibling to me."

Riki shrugs, "I didn't ask."

"But now you know."

Riki slumps into the couch at Jungwon's words, letting out a groan, "Yahhhh, I must be going crazy."

"Crazy in—" Jungwon leans over, smiling like an idiot, "Love...?"

"Get away from me." Riki pushes him, rolling his eyes at Jungwon's fit of giggles, "I hate you deeply."

"I love you too, Riki-yah."

Jungwon slams his hands to his ears, trying so hard to drown out the endless flashbacks and conversations they used to have.

"I love you too, Riki-yah."

He should've told him that more.

It's still raining, and it's still nighttime, just like Jungwon's still perched deep into the forest, back against an oak tree and clothes covered in mud. His wet hair falls in front of his eyes, blinding him from seeing the state he's actually in. He's somewhat grateful for that.

Maybe Minghao was right.

Was he really making a big deal about all of this? Had he really taken this too far?

Or maybe he was right.

Maybe... just maybe, Riki was a person too.

Maybe he was a beautiful soul, one that laughed and smiled just as any other, one that should've been mourned and cried over instead of being thrown aside and vanishing into thin air. Maybe he were somebody who should've been loved properly all of his life, or the little he even lived of it.

Jungwon tugs his legs to his chest, sobbing into his knees.

He can't hold it in anymore.

He's let it cramp up inside him for way too long now. These were gallons of forgotten tears, finally making their way through his broken wall and spilling past his eyes after 2 long years.

He just wants to be okay.

He wants to walk around and be strong like Eunchae. He wants to have a smile on his face like Mingyu and Minghao. He wants to forget everything that happened that horrible night and never look back.

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now