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| Chapter Thirty - Four — The Sun was meant to disappear anyways |

Sunoo strays off on his own.

Sure, it's stupid... yeah, it's dumb.... but he doesn't care. Not in this moment.

He's glad there were so many people within every gang because that allowed him to sneak away easily, yet that harsh sting of the reality that nobody even said anything or noticed after he took off bugs him.

Sunoo shoots to kill. He never misses.

He was born into this, and he'll die into this if he has to.

But he knows that's not true though.

Heeseung wouldn't let a hand be laid on him tonight. He was so completely obsessed with him to the point that Sunoo knows he'd behead anyone who even looked at him, let alone tried to kill him.

Sunoo remembers when Heeseung used to be the person he fell in love with.

When he first met him....

"Oh, sorry!" A sharp gasp echos through the air as Sunoo bumps into somebody, slipping on nothing before falling to the floor, hands hitting the concrete as he falls on his knees.

"You good?" A voice asks.

It's Heeseung.

Sunoo's heard about him before.

He's never actually met the man, no, having joined the gang not too long ago. He recalls the others talking about him highly though, always mentioning how he'd go above and beyond for the people, how well respected he was, and how much the leaders loved him.

Sunoo laughs it off awkwardly, taking the hand offered to him, "Yeah, I'm okay. It's my bad, I ran into you."

"No you're fine." Heeseung laughs, "I've seen you around here before. I know you're clumsy," The words make Sunoo blush profusely, "Sunoo, right? I'm Heeseung."

"I know." Sunoo's eyes widen when he says it, lips saying nonsense before his mind can stop it from slipping, "O-Oh, I mean— God, just please act like I didn't just say that."

Heeseung does that thing... where the corner of his mouth tips up like he wants to laugh at something as cute as someone's favorite puppy, "It's okay," He's blushing too. Sunoo's glad he's not alone, "Just.. be more careful next time? We can't have our Sun be replaced by the Moon, now."

Sunoo's lips part at the intimacy of Heeseung's words, his heart doing a little thing.

Or their first kiss.....

Long, thick trails of smoke flew through the air as Heeseung blew the remains of the blunt, twirling it between his fingers, arm behind his head as he gazed up at the night sky, "I like the daytime better."

Sunoo doesn't ask why, just nods silently, flipping a page in his book.

Heeseung turns his head, cocking a brow, "Whatcha readin'?"

Sunoo meets his eyes, "You really want me to tell you?"

"What, is it that bad?"

"No, it's—" Sunoo shrugs, slamming the book shut in frustration, "It's just on a particularly.... uh, steamy part. I don't feel comfortable talking about it."

"I didn't ask what part you were at. I asked what it's about," Heeseung snorts, inhaling the smoke again, "But I didn't know you were like that, Sunny."

"I'm not!" Sunoo's eyes fly wide, "I don't like reading about sex, but of course I'm reading it right when you—"

"I'm teasing you, baby." Heeseung groans, sitting up. He turns around to face Sunoo, back against the tree, "You're too uptight. Just loosen up a little, yeah?"

Sunoo furrows his brows, "How?"

Heeseung purses his lips, humming momentarily before finally holding out the blunt for him to take.

Sunoo goes bug-eyed, "I've never..."

"Really?" Heeseung asks, that dumb smirk Sunoo loves to see slipping onto his face, "You wanna give it a go?"

The scent of the smoke invades Sunoo's senses thoroughly, so much so to where he already feels high on the scent alone. He merely swallows, eyes flickering down, watching the end of the blunt flicker.

"What does it taste like?"

Heeseung grins like an idiot, leaning closer, "It's sweet. So sweet." He says, taking Sunoo's hand and sliding the blunt between his fingers, "Come on. You can do it."

"Can I?"

"Deep breath. Inhale nicely." Heeseung says, watching cautiously as Sunoo slowly brings the blunt to his lips, keeping eye contact all whilst inhaling the smoke as deeply as he can, letting it sit in his throat for a second or 2 before finally turning his head away and blowing it out. He only coughs a little, holding a hand to his chest, eyes a little pink.

"Cute. You did good." Heeseung chuckles, slipping his lip between his teeth as he takes the blunt back, taking a swig of his own, "Here. Let's try this..." He begins.

Sunoo watches with dilated pupils how Heeseung looks at him, how he sucks in the smoke and tips forward so quickly Sunoo can barely comprehend it, their lips brushing against one another as Heeseung holds him carefully, like glass, the most breakable porcelain, blowing the smoke into his mouth and smirking when he gasps.

After another longing moment in the position, Sunoo kissed him, the tension too much to bare any further.

Of course, Heeseung kissed back, twirling Sunoo's necklace between his fingers, the lingering taste of the smoke still flowing throughout their lungs, swirling in the air and haloing around them.

Heeseung was beautiful.

God's fallen angel.

Sunoo wonders what happened to him.

And to speak of the devil—

"You look so good." Heeseung's leaning up against the wall, swirling a knife in between his fingers, "Gotta protect you even more tonight, yeah?"

"I'm sick of you." Sunoo just rolls his eyes, walking past him.

Heeseung just skips happily, trailing after him, "You know you guys are no match for us." He taunts, hand slithering up Sunoo's nape, ticking the hairs on the back of neck. The older man only chuckles when Sunoo pulls away with a scoff, "You're outnumbered, babe."

"Yeah right." Sunoo stops in his tracks, turning to the annoying motherfucker, "We have 2-3 complete and whole gangs here. You're the ones who are fucked."

Heeseung just laughs, "Why do you sound so uneasy then?" When Sunoo doesn't respond, he continues, "Don't forget how long we've been hiding away, Sunny. We've managed to grab quite a few people, hmm?"

Sunoo swallows, "You're bluffing."

Heeseung shrugs, "Believe what you wanna believe." He sighs, "Just know deep down in your heart that I love you. I cherish you so much. I won't let you die tonight. Whoever tries to hurt you will feel my wrath.... and you know I'm not kidding." He hums, "Just worry about your friends at this point."


Sunoo's plan was working perfectly.

Now it was his turn to be the bait.

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now