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| Chapter Twenty - Five — I guess |

The trip to Japan goes smoothly.

It's almost surprising, and Minghao can't help but feel that hollow feeling in his chest.... the frightening thought that maybe... just maybe it was a little too calm.

If Amaranth was as smart as an idiot could guess, they would've for sure had eyes on all of them right now.

Sure, they'd have no idea where Carmine was headed, but they would know about their sudden departure.

It didn't make sense.

Nonetheless, when the jet lands, Yuqi welcomes them inside.

Shotaro squeals like a child and hugs Chaewon and Wonbin tightly, squeezing them like they've been apart for years. They can't help but laugh and hug him back.

"We're an unbreakable trio." Shotaro nods with pursed lips.

"I second that." Chaewon twists their pinkies. Wonbin just chuckles, doing the same with a soft grin.

At the mention of a trio, Eunchae's whole demeanor drops, her smile slipping into a frown and it makes Riki feel like shit. She can't help but stare at the 3 best friends with a desperate look, a heartbroken one.


The name alone destroys them.

Amidst the tension, Yuqi shows them where they'll be staying. Minghao and Mingyu room with their children, Jihoon and Soonyoung together, then Jeonghan, Joshua and Seungcheol.... and everybody else just gets their separate rooms.

It doesn't take the former Cerise members long to settle in, as this had previously been their home for quite a while.

A day goes by, then 2.

Soon, it's 3 and 4, then 5, and even 6.

When they all make it a week without Amaranth popping up before them, they begin to relax, wondering if this was all in fact over, if the world had finally give them a break.

Chaein and Riki Junior befriend Qian, Yuqi's child, very quickly. It's adorable. Qian shares his old toys and the twins are more than thankful, finding the chance to play with them any chance they get. Minghao and Mingyu are glad there's someone near their age here. Even if Yuqi's kid was a bit older, he understood the need for their childhoods.

Jay's been a little different, still missing Jungwon and thinking about him nonstop.

There's nothing they can do though.

It was hard to give Jungwon up, and it was even more devastating to act like he didn't exist anymore, but there was no other way.... they'd already lost Umji to Jungwon's revenge, they couldn't lose anybody else.

Showing back up to Chicago was too risky.

At that, Jay finally breaks down one night, reluctantly accepting Riki and Eunchae's hugs and comforting words.

He fucking misses him so much.

This wasn't fair.

If only Jay had noticed what was wrong sooner. He could've... He could've—

"You couldn't have done anything." Eunchae says, Jay not realizing he'd said this out loud, "Jungwonie did this on his own. Shit, yeah, it's our fault for being so blind, but he went out and did this. Having Umji noona killed was just the start of his plan."

Riki frowns next to her, patting Jay's shoulder, "I-I'm so sorry, hyung."

"It's not your fault." Jay shakes his head, "Don't ever blame yourself. Chae's right." He sighs, not wanting her to be, "If Jungwon-ah was really apart of Umji's death... if he's really sided with Amaranth of all people, there's nothing more to do," He pauses, "N-Nothing more I could do." He sniffles, "She was family."

"She was." Eunchae nods, "And I'm sure she's looking down on us right now, yeah?" She pouts, rubbing Jay's back soothingly.

"You think so?" Jay smiled.

"We know so." Riki agrees.

Another couple days go by, and everybody's settling in nicely.

Wonbin, Chaewon and Shotaro are beyond welcoming. Eunchae and Riki actually found themselves getting closer by each and every passing day.

The try not to think about how much Jungwon would like them.

Aside from all the happy and new memories, Sunoo's still haunted by Heeseung's words.

Each night, he stays up way past dawn, hugging his knees to his chest and staring at the door, terrified at the fact that Heeseung could just come slipping in and leave with another stab of warnings.

Sunoo still hasn't told anybody about what happened. He can't risk spilling the truth of the monster he used to be.

He's been so loyal, and he'll stay that way.

And with everything being okay now, there was no reason to break the news.

Sunoo swallows thickly, eyes burning holes into his bedroom door.

They didn't have to know.

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now