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| Chapter Forty - Two — Wonwon |

"Disgusting." Is the first thing Shotaro says when he plops down at the kitchen table, shaking his head and shivering.

Yuqi snorts, "What's up with you?"

Shotaro gives her a look, sighing deeply like he'd rather do anything but explain. But he does, "Wonwon."


"Chaewon and Wonbin."

"What about them?"

Shotaro cringes, lifting up his hands. Yuqi watches with wide eyes how he makes a small circle, slowly starting to draw his pointer finger in that direc—

"Oh." Yuqi smacks her lips, covering Qian's eyes, the kid perched on her lap, "Already? Didn't they just get together?"

"All I know is that they kicked me out of my own room because they were too in the moment to go to Chaewon's." Shotaro scoffs, leaning back in his chair with crossed arms, "Those little fucks. I hate sharing a room with that little long haired imbecile."

Yuqi laughs, "Well, we can't have another kid running around here right now. Do they know about..." Yuqi looks around, clearing her throat, "Protecti—"

"They're in their late 20s. I would assume so." Shotaro's face twists in disgust, hand raised because he simply can't take this, "But if there's a baby Wonwon running around here soon, they better name it Shotaro."

"What if it's a girl?"

"That name is gender neutral." Shotaro nods, hand on his chest, "I'm the owner. I make the rules."

Yuqi laughs, "Do you?"

"Of course," Shotaro huffs, "They're just taking a little break because you and Jihyo are on your feet again. Greedy assholes."

"Feeling like a 3rd wheel?"

"Yes!" Shotaro exclaims, apologizing briefly when Qian flinches, "Ever since they've gotten together they've barely talked to me. I mean, really? You little shits can't just—" And then he's trailing off in Japanese, cursing in between languages and it makes both Qian and Yuqi laugh. Yuqi tries to cover he son's ears but he still giggles at Shotaro's frustration.

Just then—

"What's up?" It's... Chaewon.

She walks into the kitchen with tussled hair. Both Yuqi and Shotaro could tell she attempted to fix it before coming down here, but she didn't do a very good job.

"You're already don—"

Yuqi slaps a hand over Shotaro's mouth before he can continue, smiling over at Chaewon, "Did you sleep well?"

Chaewon chuckles so abruptly it sounds like a snort. She begins to brew a cup off coffee while answering, "The best," She grins, "I had a dream. It was amazing."

"What was it about?"

Chaewon hums, leaning back against the counter. The warm scent of coffee beans runs through the air. She sways back and forth like a grade schooler with a crush, "I was flying. I had the ability to fly. Every time I tipped over the edge, I flew."

Shotaro's eye twitches, "Tipped over the edge?" His voice comes out muffled from behind Yuqi's hand, so she presses it firmer against his face, snickering awkwardly.

Chaewon looks at them. They both can tell she has no idea they know what she did. It's almost amusing, "Why are you both acting so weird?" She asks.

"Shotaro was feeling sick, so he asked me for some home remedies." Yuqi says, "It's no biggie."

"Aww, are you feeling okay?" Chaewon asks, taking her tongue between her teeth as she focuses on pouring the coffee in her mug, "Stomach bug?"

Shotaro smacks Yuqi's hand away, smiling like he's in pain, "Something like that."

"He'll be fine. Nothing a little rest won't fix." Yuqi kicks Shotaro in the shin so he shoots up. The boy whines, "Why don't you go take a little nap, sweetie. You'll feel better in no time, okay?" She hums.

Shotaro scoffs under his breath, switching languages again and Yuqi has to quiet down her son when he starts giggling.

"Feel better." Chaewon calls out before Shotaro leaves, taking the boy's empty spot moments later, "Hi, sweet baby." She greets Qian with a pinch of his cheek, settling her mug down and shaking 2 packs of sugar.

"Yuqi purses her lips, running her tongue along her top teeth as her eyes rake all across Chaewon's body.

Mid-sip, Chaewon tenses awkwardly, "Is there something on my face?"

"Did you and Binnie have sex?"

Chaewon quite literally chokes on her drink, holding a hand to her chest with a sharp gasp, "What?!"

"I know you did."

"We did not!"

"Messy hair, wrinkled clothes, and rosy cheeks? A dummy would know." Yuqi says. 

Chaewon pales, "We didn't." She huffs, bangs flying up, "And frankly, if we did, I don't see why it would be anybody's business." She takes a sip of her coffee in frustration, "We are grown adults."

"So you know about protection?"

Chaewon's eyes fly wide, "Why are we having 'the talk' right now?"

"Just tell me you used a condom—"


"I just want you to be prepared if something ever happens." Yuqi bounces Qian on her lap when he whines in boredom, having no idea what they're talking about.

"If something ever happens?" Chaewon repeats, scrunching her face up in hopes to hide the cringe that so desperately wants to take over her expression. 

Yuqi swallows, tapping the table, "You know..." She shrugs, lifting a hand and tapping the top of Qian's head.

Chaewon's jaw drops, "Unnie!" She gasps again, looking around to make sure they're alone, "I'd never... I-I don't understand why you're having this talk with me when I clearly know what could happen in a slip up!" She whisper shouts, knuckles white as she grips the handle of her coffee mug, "We haven't done anything, so please drop it!"

"Mhm," Yuqi leans back in her seat, chuckling when Chaewon tugs the collar of her shirt up her neck to hide the hickies, "Isn't that Wonbin's shirt, though—"

"I'm leaving!" Chaewon laughs sharply, standing up quickly and disappearing out of sight as quickly as she can.

Yuqi sighs, squeezing her baby boy, "Guess it's just you and me again."

"What were you and Chaewonie sunbaenim talking about, Māmā?"

Yuqi pales, clearing her throat, "Uh, well, um..." She stammers, "About what to have for dinner tonight? I subtly asked her if she had hot pot and would want it again."

"Then, what is—"

"That's enough questions! Nap time!" Yuqi smiles, brushing the hair away from her son's eyes and placing him on her hip as she rises to her feet.

"But I just woke up."

"You can never get enough sleep!"

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