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| Chapter Twenty - Three — Long live an angel and welcome a tiny me |

Umji's funeral is sad.

It's nothing big because of the constant danger they're in, but they find the time to honor her life and lay her to rest.

The clouds block everything but the sun as it shines down on them in the midst of her burial. The children cry, and so does everybody else. Minghao and Mingyu are heartbroken, and the former Cardinal members feel the exact same. They were like family.

Mingyu and Minghao still feel like half of them hate them now, but that feeling has faded, been overtaken my sadness instead.

Even with Umji, Cardinal had been hanging on by a thread.

So, what were they now? Apart of Carmine? Or just a spec in the wind?

Jihyo barely calls herself a leader now.

Riki Junior and Chaein occasionally ask what happened to their mother, and Minghao and Mingyu are tongue tied on what to say. It's so devastating. They're so small, so little and fragile, they can't break that type of news so early on in their childhood.

Minghao and Mingyu love their children, so fucking dearly, but sometimes..... just sometimes they wonder why they decided to bring children into this lifetime in the first place. They wonder why Umji even agreed to it as well. This was a dangerous world, and they were dangerous people who killed.

They just thought that everything was over.

That maybe.... just maybe.... the world had changed for the better.

It's the same day they had the funeral, instead nighttime. The moon shone bright and the stars twinkled down at everybody. They think it's Umji giving them a sign.

Riki's in Eunchae's room, getting to know the kids because he's a complete stranger to them. Minghao, Mingyu and the others are getting some rest for the big day tomorrow.

Yuqi had suggested they come back to Japan with her, as it'd be a place Amaranth wouldn't ever dare return to. After all, they think still it's been abandoned by Cerise and soon to be torn down by now.

Wonbin and Chaewon didn't complain, actually felt more welcome than ever. Carmine and Cardinal had been through so much ever since Jungwon took off, and even with the baggage of kids, they needed help.

It was the least Carnelian could do.

It's the night before they're supposed to leave, and Riki's feeling nervous.

"What's wrong?" Eunchae asks him, in the midst of braiding Chaein's hair. She had promised the little girl she would sometime, even had the blue bow and everything.

Riki stares at Riki Junior with a light shake of his head, blowing it off, "I just can't believe they named their kid after me." He stares at a sleeping Riki Junior, smiling softly, "It makes me feel so warm and happy."

Eunchae grins back at him, slipping the bow at the end of Chaein's braid, "Mingyu and Hao love you." She assures him, "They love you so much to the point where they would do something like that. Don't be surprised."

"This little man doesn't even know he's named after me, yet."

"My brother's named after you, Oppa?" Chaein smiles, big and bright.

Riki leans forward, pinching her cheeks, "He is, princess. I'm Riki, too."

"That's so cool!" Chaein whisper shouts, Riki giggling at her excitement.

"Just shh, he doesn't know yet." Riki shakes his head with a pout, holding a finger to his lips to shush her.

"Shhh." Chaein repeats, mimicking him.

After that, Chaein had snuggled up to Riki, laying right on top of his chest and honestly surprising him beyond belief. It hadn't taken her long to fall asleep, soft little snores escaping her lips only moments later.

"She likes you." Eunchae states the obvious whilst playing with the other kid's hair, Riki Junior's head right on her lap.

"I'm so glad." Riki sighs, eyes flickering over to Riki Junior, "Do you think he will?" The little boy had fallen asleep shortly after Umji's funeral, exhausted from all the crying.

"You're not hard to like, sunbae." Eunchae holds out a hand.

Riki interlaces their fingers, cheeks turning a light pink, "Yeah?" He chuckles, "I'm quite the catch, aren't I?"

Eunchae snorts quietly, rolling her eyes, "I should tell you no just because you said that." She looks down at Riki Junior to hide her smile. It's adorable.

Riki stares at her, sighing softly.

"What?" Eunchae nudges him.

"The—" Riki hesitates, "The last time I saw you, you were near death." He reminds her, a permanent frown on his face. He plays with Chaein's little braid to distract himself, "And the last time you saw me, I was near death." His words are chilling.

Romeo and Juliet at their finest.

Eunchae's face drops. She bites her lip to avoid tears, "Let's not live in the past."

"You literally had a funeral for me."

"Sunbae, it's okay."

"It's not okay." Riki looks at her, sincere, "I hated that I put you through that, and I hated that you've thought I was dead all these years." He holds a hand to his chest, eyes glossy, "That breaks my heart."

Eunchae holds a hand to his chest, feeling it beat, "Then, I'll mend it every time." She promises, "I don't want your heart hurting ever again. It's already so frail, sunbae. Let it rest. Remember that none of this was your fault. Everything will be okay in the long run."

"Why can't it be okay now?" Riki sniffles, "Jungwon hyung thinks I'm dead so he's on a mission to kill. Because of me, he wants to end the lives of hundreds. Chae, what does that make me? A monster?"

"No," Eunchae whines, squeezing his palm, "You could never be a monster."

"How do we tell him I'm alive, Chae?" Riki sounds so broken.... so weak and withered, "He needs to know so we can put an end to this. Once he sees I'm alive, he'll stop." Riki pauses, brows scrunched, "Won't he?"

"Of course he will." Eunchae tells Riki, scooting closer to him, "Of course he will." She repeats, resting her head on his shoulder.

Riki pouts, lying his head on top of her's, "Chae?"


"I missed you."

"I missed you, too." Eunchae closes her eyes, thanking the sky, "More than I've missed anyone in my entire life."

Riki runs his thumb across her knuckles, "Promise me we'll all stay alive?"

Eunchae nods, "I promise."

Riki huffs, holding out a pinkie.

Eunchae snorts, "Isn't this a bit much?"

"I said the same thing 5 years ago."

Eunchae rolls her eyes, twisting their fingers nonetheless.

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