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| Chapter Twenty - One — Jikook |
| 📍Amaranth's Hideout |

"So, you took orders from a kid?"

"He's almost 20, Jimin."

Jimin rolls his eyes, crossing his arms and turning around like a child mid-pout, "How can you be so sure he's on our side? How do you know he won't bail?"

"You haven't seen the rage in his eyes, Min." Minnie explains, sighing, "And he's been with us a year. You know him."

"Not well enough to be sure he'll stay loyal." Jimin fights, blonde falling in front of his eyes as he stares at the girl from afar, leaning against the brick wall in frustration, "What if when we strike again, he breaks? What if he stumbles upon someone he never would've thought of hurting and sides with them?"

"He wouldn't." Minnie says.

"You don't know that." Jimin whines, shoulders slumping, "Minnie-yah," He walks over, bending down in front of her and patting her shoulders, "You and the others took me in when I was 20 because I had no one. Jungwon has many people who miss him. He could crack."

Minnie sighs, biting her tongue.

"He's right." Another voice pitches in.

"Jungkook, I told you to leave us alone." Jimin rolls his eyes, "This is a business discussion."

"Last time I checked, I had a diamond on my wrist." Jungkook chuckles, coming up behind Jimin and wrapping his arms around his waist, chin on his shoulder like a clingy baby, "Just act like I'm not here."

Jimin groans, pushing at the arms on his waist, "That's close to impossible."

Jimin and Jungkook were members of Amaranth, of course. Jimin, who Minnie and the rest of the gang had taken in from an abusive family, and Jungkook who had a scary past of his own.

Jimin had killed both of his parents that fateful night, stumbling down a road in blinded shock just after committing the murder, covered in blood from head to toe, the knife still tight in his grip. He had the fortunate opportunity of meeting Amaranth's very leader amidst his little stroll.

But we'll get to that later...

On the other hand, Jungkook had always been a criminal. He was born into this.

But what was sad was the fact that his mother had died from childbirth, just but barely getting to see her baby's face before closing her eyes and never waking up again. Minnie wasn't even born yet, has only heard it from the others, but she recalls the mention of Jungkook's father going quite literally insane from the loss of the love of his life.

He was found just the next day, hanging in his bedroom by a cable he'd ripped out from the phone line just next to Jungkook's crib.

Jungkook doesn't remember his parents at all, only has pictures and bad quality videos of them to this day, but he's still affected deeply. He doesn't show it, yet, it's obvious.

Jungkook met Jimin just shortly after the blonde walked into the hideout, all drenched in his family's blood, skin paled and eyes as wide as saucers in fright.

Minnie and the leader had been careful, guiding him to an empty room and promising his safety for life.

And now, well, here they were, in a situationship, Jimin likes to call it. He doesn't like labels, didn't even like calling his parents Mom and Dad, so he just goes along with whatever Jungkook does, and the younger accepts it, not wanting to push him into loving.

It's been nearly 8 years since Jimin joined, and Jungkook's still as smitten and patient as he was the first time he saw him.

When Jimin fails to free himself from Jungkook's grasp, he gives up, doing just as the younger had suggested and ignoring him, "The kid could snap at any moment. Think. He made you lower your gun from a Carmine member."

Minnie blinks, unaffected because she has undeniable faith in the younger, "I lowered it because his words were good."

"She's right. Attacking one by one would be more affective." Jungkook adds.

"You stay out of this." Jimin groans.

"You have to trust him." Minnie pleads, "Min, the anger in his eyes is evident."

Jimin presses his lips shut, huffing, "I just don't want any of us to get hurt again."

"I know you don't." Minnie rises to her feet, ruffling his hair, "So trust me when I say Jungwonie's on our side. He didn't even bat an eye when I killed that bitch with the kid." She says it like it's nothing.

Jimin sighs, putty in Jungkook's arms, "I guess... I could... give him a chance."

"I'm proud of you." Minnie smiles.

"Yeah," Jungkook tightens his hold around Jimin's waist, tickling the crook of his neck with his lips, "Me too."

"Oh, get off, you little—" Jimin pushes him away, rolling his eyes.

Minnie smiles.

Jungwon was on their side. And he always would be from now on.

"Yah!" Eunchae rises to her feet.

"Oh shut your trap." Minnie spits, tossing her gun to the floor and slipping her knife from her belt loop, "Or I might just have to slice it off." She laughs like a witch, already taking stumbled steps forward.

"Minnie—" Jungwon calls out.


Minnie hoped she was.

This Day | Gyuhao (Threequel to Youth & The Aged)Where stories live. Discover now