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| Chapter Thirty - Six — Free |

"I can tell you're trying to come up with a plan." Heeseung coos, pinching Sunoo's cheeks, "That's so cute."

"Get the fuck off me." Sunoo huffs.

"What are you even trying to do?" Heeseung asks, dragging the muzzle of his gun along the wall as they walk together, leaving a new design in the wallpaper Sunoo hated that they never got around to changing. It's still ugly.

Sunoo stops walking.

"What happened to you, Heeseung?"

The man seems to tone down at that, the smile faltering only a little before he picks it back up, clearing his throat and shrugging, "Don't know. Maybe this was always me."

"I didn't fall in love with a psychopath." Sunoo reminds him, voice frail and tired, "Heeseung, I'm asking what happened to you... What happened to the Heeseung I once knew? Can you tell me?"

Heeseung finally frowns. It's sarcastic and overly dramatic and Sunoo hates it.

"Why are we talking about me? Let's talk about you, Sunny." Heeseung skips like a child, pushing the concern of why there was absolutely no more gunshots or screaming around them, no more Amaranth members lunging at Sunoo for Heeseung to kill, "What are you planning? It must be something good. The new Sunshine I know now wouldn't ever talk to me this long, nevermind walk with me."

Sunoo's the one smiling now, "Have you finally noticed?"

Heeseung tilts his head, amused, "I don't think I follow."

"You never did listen to me." Sunoo sighs leaning against the wall with a sigh, "Maybe I was your distraction all along. Always knew you had a thing for Julie."

"Distraction?" Heeseung chuckles, "Why would you think that?"

"Because it seems like I'm one again." Sunoo grins, shrugging and sinking one his knives into Heeseung's heart so fast it gives the older man whiplash, "Haven't you noticed the silence in here, babydoll?" Sunoo coos, "You see, I never had a plan of my own. I spoke with the others, and I spilled everything... but like family, like non-toxic people, they trusted me and kept me here," Sunoo explains, watching Heeseung's face crumble, veins popping in his forehead, "They knew I used to be in Amaranth. They're not as dumb as you think, they've seen the diamond on me, Heeseung."

"Y-You little—" Heeseung coughs, gripping Sunoo's hold on the knife, blood coating his teeth in a flinch when Sunoo twists the weapon, "Why w-would you—"

"You stole my innocence," Sunoo spits at the older, ripping the knife from his heart and kicking at his chest. He watches Heeseung hit the floor with a chunky cough, blood painting the ugly carpets, "You took all of my firsts just because you were instructed to and I hate you for that."

"I-I loved you." Heeseung groans.

"You never loved me." Tears beam in Sunoo's eyes.

He's not sad about killing Heeseung, he's sad about killing the person he thought he loved in his teens, the person who gave him memories he'll never forget, the soul who taught him how to love and the guy who even seemed to even love him back at one point.

"You weren't ever obsessed with me." Sunoo grits his teeth, dropping to one knee to get a front row seat to Heeseung's death, "You were ordered to be. I was here for a long time, Heeseung. I know how Shuhua and Minnie are. You always seemed to forget." He rolls his eyes, "You weren't any different from the others. Nobody here loved me. Carmine has been my only family... and they always will be." He speaks the truth, not stuttering, "Don't ever forget that, Hee. Even as you burn in Hell."

And with that....

Heeseung dies.

Just like that. 

And Sunoo's so happy.

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